
What is Bowtie Medical and why will it change healthcare in this country radically?

David Thiessen • November 4, 2024


Cary Hall, America’s Healthcare Advocate

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S20 E32 - What is Bowtie Medical and why will it change healthcare in this country radically?

Episode 2032 notes

Today we have a discussion on national health care that is fascinating and will blow your mind with a doctor we call Dr Bowtie.

My expert guest is Dr. Firouz Daneshgari, MD, MBA, FPMRS, FACS.

Dr. Daneshgari:

“Our eyes are very open to this concept that 50%, more than half of what is done in our hospital based system is a waste. That is why it is a Sick Care based system. Not only do we want to eliminate the waste to save the money in your pocket and your insurance money, but also a good portion of this unnecessary care causes actual harm! 

Instead, you'll have 24 seven access to this dedicated group of doctors and nurses not only to help you to navigate the maze of health care, but to also proactively look after the health risks you have.

To fix this, we provide the Bowtie Health Guardianship model that will be embedded within a health plan, benefit, health benefit that is offered to the employer. So we intentionally are focusing on the employer segment of the market because the employers, to me, are the cylinders of the production of the GDP.”

Dr Firouz Daneshgari, who has this most unique idea, worked for 30 years inside health systems seeing first hand how care decisions were made based on the financial interests of hospitals and not the patients.

This is season 20, episode 32 and is our 2nd episode with Dr Daneshgari.

Learn more about the Bowtie concept: https://bowtiemedical.com/about-us

Do you need help or have something to share? Contact me, Cary Hall, America's Healthcare Advocate: https://www.americashealthcareadvocate.com/contact-us

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Episode 2032 Transcript:

00;00;01;14 - 00;00;05;23


And now America's Healthcare Advocate, Cary Hall.

00;00;05;26 - 00;00;28;02

Cary Hall

Hello, America. Welcome to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across USA. My producers behind the camera, Mr. Dave Thiessen, the man who puts all these together on the podcast platforms and the YouTube platforms and behind the microphone, Shawn Foyd doing all the work here at Audacy. We are on 15 podcast platforms and our YouTube channel, America's Healthcare Advocate.

00;00;28;05 - 00;00;49;00

Cary Hall

About 450,000 views. And of course, we're on terrestrial radio around the country, 238 stations. I want to say hello to the folks in Tampa, Saint Pete, 1610 AM, WBGS we've been on down there for quite a while and we get some occasional, emails and information from folks down there. That one help with something. We're happy to help you.

00;00;49;08 - 00;01;21;20

Cary Hall

The website is AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com. Joining me in studio today Doctor Firouz Daneshgari. He is the CEO and the founder of Bowtie Health. So without further ado, doctor, let's talk about Bowtie. And the Bowtie concept, because it is radically different. You know, when you and I had dinner, it was interesting because, I was kind of comparing what this is and how it's going to work to innovations like you've seen with Tesla, you know, Amazon.

00;01;21;20 - 00;01;39;27

Cary Hall

And then that may sound like, you know, it that's outlandish to some of you out there. But I think when you hear what doctor has done here and by the way, he is partnering with Detego. Detego is the TPA that I am one of the three founding partners for. And we are putting this plan in place, across the country through our system.

00;01;39;28 - 00;01;41;14

Cary Hall

So, doctor, let's talk about Bowtie.

00;01;41;17 - 00;02;17;02

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Thank you. Cary. So this the history of the Bowtie goes back to really my professional journey. So I am a, a very successful surgeon, scientist, chair of a department. I'm sitting on the board of this three, $3 billion enterprise, and I, realize that every, solution that or every initiative that comes to the board attention, you know, my attention goes to what does it do to the patient care, the outcome, the training of the residents and fellows?

00;02;17;02 - 00;02;21;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The rest of the board goes to the cost of the goods and net money and so forth.

00;02;21;09 - 00;02;22;18

Cary Hall

I knew where this was going.

00;02;22;19 - 00;02;56;02

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So I realized that, we have built a what I call a sick care system. So what is named as health care in the US now is delivered through 5000 hospitals. And, they are financial institutions, and the hospitals and the insurance companies, and the venture world, have basically gone through this consolidation phase over the past 20, 30 years to basically make sure that they all make money.

00;02;56;04 - 00;03;09;02

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

In this process who has been forgotten? Is the American average American citizen who continues to be challenged with the increasing number of the incidence of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, and so forth.

00;03;09;02 - 00;03;32;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So there is a system that is financially benefiting from people being sick and not healthy. So when I woke up to this wake up call, which was absolutely against every grain of my existence, I said like any, process I had taken in the past, I'm going to find a solution, because the question for me is, why are we tolerating this?

00;03;32;19 - 00;03;56;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Are we dumb? The answer was no, we are not. Is what the. When you understand the the language of the American economy, you say you have to come up with a better idea that actually makes money, makes profit out of that idea, and the market will celebrate that. That is what's happened in the examples you made in, you know, the car industry, the Teslas of the world, you know, is.

00;03;56;21 - 00;03;57;14

Cary Hall


00;03;57;16 - 00;04;23;12

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And Amazon. I mean, Elon Musk has, credit to him, has revolutionized disrupted three, four industries. The aerospace, you know, pulled NASA out of his misery. The car industry within, you know, a few years made the, car company that is worth all three other companies together twice. Correct. So the question is, what is the essence of this disruption?

00;04;23;14 - 00;04;46;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Is healthcare is ready for disruption. This mega huge monster of four and half trillion dollars. And the answer is absolutely yes. So the concept goes back to, how come we what are the characteristics of this sick care system, why the sick care system was built. And I've written this, as you know, in the book, I've written the story of it.

00;04;46;24 - 00;05;14;23

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Why we did this. You go back 100 years ago, the infectious diseases were number one cause of death, cardiovascular disease number two, cancer, trauma. We said, okay, what is the best way of handling this? The solution was very clear is that if rather than every individual kind of washing their hands or boiling their water, we created a public health which invested in a clean water and clean food, vaccination, by God within a 2 or 3 decades.

00;05;14;23 - 00;05;19;05

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We eliminate the infectious diseases. It is a part of history.

00;05;19;08 - 00;05;41;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The rest of the years we started spending on basically diagnosing and treating the conditions that were killing us. Heart attacks, strokes, cancer. Through this process, we created a lot of, technology tools and diagnostic and therapeutic. But more importantly, we house them in the, in the, in the places called the hospitals.

00;05;41;27 - 00;05;47;05

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the hospitals learn, okay, the more we use of this, the more we will make more money.

00;05;47;07 - 00;05;48;27

Cary Hall

Because they get paid for every procedure.

00;05;49;00 - 00;06;08;02

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

They forgot that the aim of the health care was to keep people healthy. So this goes back to the concept of the Bowtie. If you actually do a Google, the Bowtie is called “the Bowtie Risk Mitigation”. And the concept is the knot of the Bowtie is an ‘event’ that is undesirable and we want to prevent it if we can.

00;06;08;04 - 00;06;30;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Fire, chemical spill, heart attack, airline crash. Right. So we have two choices. One is we wait for the symptom of that event, or the event happen and then deal with it on this basic the left side of the Bowtie. And depending on our risk tolerance, we can do that. You know, we don't have a protocol for the coffee spill here.

00;06;31;04 - 00;06;52;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

But if in your cup there's sulfuric acid, you would have a protocol, right? Because it's dangerous. The second choice we have is say the choice is basically if the risk is not tolerable, I'm going to do everything to prevent that. Right. So and we've done the most successful one is the airline. Within this past 120 years that we have built a sick care system.

00;06;52;18 - 00;07;25;21

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We took a dream of flying to the safest mode of transportation because we purely focus on the right side of the bowtie and we said, by God, catching the fire at 30,000ft is not a good, behavior. We need to control the risk from A to B throughout the whole process. The concept of the bowtie is now we scientifically and clinically, we have all the information we need at this point to shift the attention of our health care from the sick, from this left side of the bowtie to the right side.

00;07;25;23 - 00;07;42;14

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We know more about the risk factors for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and infection. Actually, majority of these cases, 100% of them are preventable. The missing ingredient is we don't have institutions, organizations who would financially benefit from this.

00;07;42;14 - 00;07;43;25

Cary Hall

And they're not interested.

00;07;43;25 - 00;08;08;09

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The the sick care is not interested. Right. That's how the Bowtie was born. The Bowtie was born to take all the information we have, clinical and scientific, to shift the attention to this side of the bowtie to prevent and eliminate the chronic conditions obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, very similar to how we did it with infectious diseases. We have a history of that in the health care.

00;08;08;16 - 00;08;13;28

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We have a history in other industries like the airline. Right. That is what the Bowtie concept is.

00;08;14;00 - 00;08;30;10

Cary Hall

It's a great concept and when we come back from the break. We're going to talk more about that and how this concept can benefit us and what building this model is going to look like. So, you know, we've defined the problem right now. We're going to start talking about the elements that make up the solution. How does all this work?

00;08;30;14 - 00;08;51;27

Cary Hall

Has it been tried before? What kind of success has Bowtie had. And how are we at Detego, at our TPA where we actually we're not a typical TPA. We're a TPA that builds products and then takes those products to market, like GigCare, like our reference based pricing model, like our group model. This is another model that we're doing.

00;08;51;27 - 00;09;12;19

Cary Hall

The Bowtie model. And we're going to talk more about that. We come back from the break. Stay tuned. We'll be right back after the break. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate Broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across the USA. The doctors in the house don't go anywhere. We'll be right back.

00;09;12;22 - 00;09;42;23

Steve Kuker

The golden rule. Treat others as you want to be treated. I'm Steve Kuker, and this is one of the founding principles of my firm, Senior Care Consulting. Since 2002, our value statement has included honor our mother and father. Respect our elders. Care for those in need. And treat your family as our own. We've been honored to help hundreds of families make one of the most difficult decisions they could ever make.

00;09;42;27 - 00;10;13;25

Steve Kuker

Serving them in their greatest time of need. If you're looking for someone who can provide you experienced and objective guidance when searching for a senior care community, reach out today and discover the services of Senior Care consulting at 913-945-2800. Know your options and choose with care at SeniorCareConsulting.com.

00;10;13;28 - 00;10;18;09

Cary Hall

00;10;18;12 - 00;10;45;27

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across the USA in studio with the doctor Firouz Daneshgari. We are here talking about the Bowtie concept and how this concept, if implemented, could change healthcare in this country. Radically. You know, it's interesting, the doctors’ been invited to the UK. Excuse me. He's been invited to the European Union to speak in to the group in Belgium.

00;10;46;00 - 00;11;02;16

Cary Hall

To talk about this concept, because they know they've got a huge problem. Well, hopefully somebody here in this country will take the time to listen to what he has to say as well. So, you know, one of the things that when you talk about, you know, people that created something that was completely different than the model that existed.

00;11;02;19 - 00;11;18;16

Cary Hall

I have to look at Elon Musk and what he did with NASA. So because you and I talked about this at dinner. And so just go through, you know, what it was, where it is. And and what this man has done, who they said was crazy when he said he wanted to go to Mars. That's insane. Right.

00;11;18;20 - 00;11;43;23

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So the what you're referring to Cary is when we are dealing with a monster in our market. And health care is a monster. The largest $4.5 trillion a year. You know, when you drive around, you see these big mega health systems there, you know, shiny buildings and glass doors and millions of dollars in people. Average American says, wow, who could dismantle this?

00;11;43;23 - 00;12;07;01

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Who could, you know, change this. And that's why you're in the kind of the time of the challenge. I hold on to successful examples we've had. And you brought the, our favorite Elon Musk that in back in, you know, 2004 or 5 after he sold the PayPal and he said, I want to go to Mars and people look at him and said, you're crazy, right?

00;12;07;08 - 00;12;30;03

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We can't even go to the moon anymore. NASA is failing one after another and so forth and so forth. And by God, he came through relentlessness, through dedication to the belief he had based on relied on this technological knowledge. Right. He's an engineer and his entrepreneurial spirit that I'm going to take the risk, I'm going to put everything.

00;12;30;07 - 00;12;56;05

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And I have the same absolute belief about the health care based on the and, again, 40 years of spending in the health care based on everything that I have seen and, experience. We do have the opportunity to disrupt this largest industry to the end point that every American will get enough access to affordable health care. We will eliminate the chronic conditions.

00;12;56;06 - 00;13;14;13

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So these are my moonshots. This is me going to Mars. Every American will have an access to health and health care on their cell phones, without waiting for an appointment. We will eliminate the chronic conditions, and we will reduce the cost of health care by at least 50% in this country.

00;13;14;20 - 00;13;31;12

Cary Hall

Now, you you listen to that. You probably people that can't be done. By the way, how much what is the comparison of what Elon Musk has done with the rocket, with Space-X that he created versus the United States, China, Russia, UK combined?

00;13;31;12 - 00;14;06;17

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

It is. So, as you know, the space now has over 80% of the market in terms of out of Space. Within the ten first ten years, he did more air travels than the three countries of Russia, China, US together. They had done over 40 years. So it is that is not the first industry, as you know, the electrical vehicle, you know, by the creation he created, not only he disrupted the entire he created the most valuable car company in the world, and he changed the direction of our government, that, you know, yes, he did, do the EV mandate.

00;14;06;24 - 00;14;24;01

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We have actually the situation for health care is much more prime than the the aerospace or the car because we are again, this is the largest one. Our, number one, the medical bills has become the number one cause of personal bankruptcies.

00;14;24;01 - 00;14;25;00

Cary Hall


00;14;25;02 - 00;14;53;11

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The medical errors from this 50% waste that we discussed in the last year has become the number three cause of death in the US. I'm going to repeat that. If you didn't register number one, cause of death in the US is cardiovascular. Number two is cancer. Number three is medical errors, meaning our system is killing our people next to cancer and cardiovascular.

00;14;53;13 - 00;14;54;02

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So it's.

00;14;54;02 - 00;14;55;07

Cary Hall


00;14;55;09 - 00;15;09;08

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So this is this is much more severe than our car industry losing its market share to Japanese or Europeans right. This is a very, very American issue. We need to fix it.

00;15;09;10 - 00;15;26;29

Cary Hall

And we're going to talk about how to fix it. So let's just kind of start with that. And and we'll in this segment, the next segment, let's just talk about the what's the overall goal. You just repeated what you want to see happen where we have access to health care. You can do it on your phone. You don't have appointments.

00;15;27;02 - 00;15;39;04

Cary Hall

How does all that start. And this is this is what we're partnering with Bowtie in Detego for and the products that we're bringing out on in conjunction with doctor Firouz and his company Bowtie. So let's just talk about that.

00;15;39;04 - 00;16;01;01

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

It is very simple. We need to deconstruct the existing sick care system and reconstruct the healthcare, the construction. The sick care system is provider centric. That means if you have a need, you have to go and make an appointment. Drive half an hour to come and wait for half an hour to be seen by me for three minutes. The average visit of a doctor is less than five minutes in the US.

00;16;01;02 - 00;16;22;14

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

That's correct. We need to change that. Yes. Number two is a fragmented. If you have a condition like the. You know, I'm a urologist. A prostate issue I make you have three questions. I make three appointments. You have five questions. I make five appointments. We need to reverse that. We need to make the coordination of the care easier for you as a as a customer.

00;16;22;17 - 00;16;57;17

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Number three is the payments. You come and see me. I give you a bill in 30 days and you don't know what what you know is on the service. But you have signed a white paper that you are obligated to basically pay. So in the Bowtie concept, we are saying that we are creating a consumer centric. Number one, we deliver the virtual first access to primary care doctor, access to a specialty care virtually first, because over 90% of the care could be delivered virtually.

00;16;57;20 - 00;17;19;00

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And we can go through the details of that. The virtual delivery of the care is the first essence. It basically converts, this provider centric to consumer centric, because your health needs don't wait for the time of my convenience. You may need at 7 a.m., you may need at 10 a.m. you in your your family and so forth.

00;17;19;03 - 00;17;49;25

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The second part of this deconstruction is the direct pay you when you come to basically get a service. You know what it is for and how much it this cost. So access to primary care, extended primary care specialist virtually first. And the direct pay those are the the corner stones of the Bowtie. The next level of that and I'll be very quick is I understand health care deals with are of on the vulnerabilities is not that you buying a car.

00;17;49;27 - 00;18;13;08

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

You need the assistance of a person. And that is where we have wrapped up this whole care delivery within the concept, what we call the “guardianship”. Health guardianship. We have taken the doctors primary, specialty, nurses and so forth, and we have turned their job from basically benefit upon sick care to be the guardians of your health to a subscription model.

00;18;13;13 - 00;18;33;16

Cary Hall

And when we come back from the break, we're going to talk about how that works. It's in play, it work, it's working. Now we're going to go into this. You're going to see there is a way to do this. You can change things this country dramatically. We'll be right back after the break. You're listening. America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network.

00;18;33;18 - 00;18;46;09

Cary Hall

Coast to coast, across the USA. We'll be right back with more.

00;18;46;11 - 00;19;07;06

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show, broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. My producers today, Mr. Shawn Floyd behind the microphones here in the Audacy Studios, and Mr. Dave Thiessen, who does all the podcast, YouTube and all the rest of it here and recording all this and puts it all up so you can all watch it on the YouTube channel and podcast channels.

00;19;07;08 - 00;19;33;10

Cary Hall

So in studio with me, Doctor Firouz Daneshgari, we are talking about the Bowtie concept, how we can deconstruct the existing system, okay. And how that can be rebuilt around something that actually puts the choice in the consumer's lap. And that's being done now. Okay. When you look at HSAs you look at HRAs where people are getting more and more of an ability to control where they want to go and what they want to spend.

00;19;33;12 - 00;19;51;16

Cary Hall

We're actually seeing a microcosm of that now. But let's go into the to the to Bowtie and let's talk about this Guardian piece, because this really fascinated me. And so I'm just going to turn it over to doctor and explain the Guardian and how the. So we're in your system. We're in Bowtie. I have a primary care doctor.

00;19;51;17 - 00;19;52;24

Cary Hall

What does the Guardian do?

00;19;52;28 - 00;20;21;04

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Sure. So, I want to be very fair to the marketplace because, there is a group of what I call the rebel camp, that is building outside the thick wall of this, medieval town. That is called the sick care. There is a group of. I'm not the I'm not the a lonely person. There's a rebel camp being built out there, of visionaries, people who have been in the health care.

00;20;21;04 - 00;20;23;23

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

They say, yes, this is possible. So I'm bringing that up.

00;20;23;23 - 00;20;30;21

Cary Hall

Elon Musks of health care of you or the Jeff Bezos. Okay, or the Steve Jobs. So you understand where we're going.

00;20;30;23 - 00;20;54;23

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So, so in order to deconstruct as I mentioned, rather than rush in the last segment, what are the components that needs to be changed? So now, in terms of the practicality, you as an average person, everybody here in the studio, when you become a member of the Bowtie Medical. So that membership is the start of that membership.

00;20;54;23 - 00;21;21;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Number one, you or your employer is going to pay a fixed cost is a very much less than your, monthly, phone bill. Actually, to get a 24 seven access to a team of guardians. So as soon as you are a member, our team of guardians reaches out to you, gets all the information from you about your history, your background, your choices, your sleep habits, your exercise.

00;21;21;24 - 00;21;45;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And we create a health risk score because we want to understand, going back to the concept of the Bowtie, not only what conditions you have now, but also you condition you may have in the future. We want to convert ourselves into a basically from a, sick care that we go after the event has happened to risk mitigation.

00;21;45;19 - 00;22;09;27

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Again, the airline example, if the path from New York to Los Angeles is not totally clear in terms of the, the risk mitigation that the airline would not take place. So we go through a very detailed getting information from you to understand your health risk. It's a profile is a profile. And through that process, again, the technology will help us tremendously in the future.

00;22;09;27 - 00;22;32;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

From the pharmacogenetics to wearables, you know, where we can get the information about your biometrics on a daily basis, frankly, and so forth. So that constitutes a, a basically a health risk score based on that and number of care plans, set in our system, we have a very nice platform. It says carry you're at risk for, x, y, z.

00;22;33;00 - 00;22;55;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And these are the care plans we are going to put in. Right. So then now we have converted this sick care from a reactive to a proactive. We don't wait for the events to happen. We look for the risks to prevent whether the risk is the cardio vascular obesity, diabetes and so forth. And we have a specialist in all that process.

00;22;55;29 - 00;23;25;11

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We have an obesity medicine specialist. We have a cardiologists. And so forth to put in place the care plans that would eliminate or reduce your risk for a major medical event. Because again, going back to the bowtie concept, we want to prevent or eliminate them medically. Right. So that is the foundation of the, guardianship. Then comes to the next point, which becomes, okay, I have a, knee pain, as I've, you know, a joint pain.

00;23;25;13 - 00;23;56;22

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Right. So how can I do that? Now? We have layers of specialists that you will get connected with them. Our primary care remains there as a quarterback, as a coordinator. Because that is what is missing, again, in the sick care system to coordinate your interactions between you and the orthopedic or the athletic trainer to address your knee pain and again, our eyes are very open to this concept that 50%, more than half of what is done in the hospital based system is a waste.

00;23;56;28 - 00;24;26;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We want to eliminate the waste, not only to save the your your pocket money, your insurance money, but also, again, as I mentioned previously, a good portion of this unnecessary care causes harm. We want to eliminate the harm. So therefore you have 24 seven access to this dedicated group of doctors and the nurses not only to help you to navigate the maze of the health care, but to also proactively look after the health risks you have.

00;24;26;21 - 00;24;49;07

Cary Hall

So what you're doing is you're turning the system completely upside down 100%, because instead of instead of treating someone after the situation occurs, after they become a type one diabetic, after they become a type two diabetic, after they develop emphysema or whatever the case may be, you're in front of it because the first thing you do is a complete health profile.

00;24;49;11 - 00;25;05;28

Cary Hall

You know, it's funny because we don't do that. I can I I've never had, a primary care doctor do an in-depth profile. Yes. The you know, you have you had surgeries. Are you allergic to this? Yeah. You answer all those questions, but now we have questions like, are you safe at home?

00;25;05;28 - 00;25;13;12

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

But they all wait for you to have a chief complaint. If you go if you go to a I make this example, you have 5 or 6 grandchildren. Yes.

00;25;13;12 - 00;25;13;26

Cary Hall


00;25;13;26 - 00;25;35;14

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Six of them, bless them. You showed me their picture. Lovely. Yeah. So if, if, your children or as grandfather say, Okay, you know what? I want to make sure my, grandchildren won't have, diabetes or obesity when they turn to 40s and 50s. If you walk to a doctor's office now, say, listen, I have six grandchildren.

00;25;35;14 - 00;25;40;11

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

I don't want them to have diabetes or pre-diabetes. They're going to look at you like you're a zombie.

00;25;40;12 - 00;25;43;06

Cary Hall

Say you're Elon Musk wanting to go to Mars.

00;25;43;07 - 00;26;08;12

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Yeah, it's like I, I said, so you say, what do I do? I’m a grandparent so, I don't know go on, Google right. They asked you to go and consult Doctor Google and so that is what that is this thing that we have to change. Right? The first thing first is to turn this again from a provider centric into a consumer centric, not only deal with your existing conditions, but also proactively look for them.

00;26;08;17 - 00;26;27;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And with advancement of the technology, now we are reaching to a point that there is so much stuff we can wear, you know, as under, where or and so forth. We'll send our biological signals 24 over seven. The current system has no ability to absorb those. Right. It becomes again, like an airplane. Right. We are hovering you.

00;26;27;07 - 00;26;33;17

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We are like an air tower control to monitor your health risk. That is happening as you live.

00;26;33;20 - 00;26;46;03

Cary Hall

And that's that's the part along with a host of other things that are completely missing out of this. So how do you bring all that together and how do you deliver that in a product to the American public?

00;26;46;03 - 00;27;16;04

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

That's how actually our partnership with Detego comes. Correct. So we provide the health guardianship Bowtie Health Guardianship as a subscription model per member per month. And but this needs to be embedded within a health plan, benefit, health benefit that is offered to the employer. So we intentionally are focusing on the employer segment of the market because the employers, to me, are the cylinders of the production of the GDP.

00;27;16;06 - 00;27;38;05

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And if we provide and prove this as an efficient model, the government will follow that. As you know, the legislations, the government bureaucrats, bureaucracy always follow the innovations, very much like the Elon Musk, you know, the EV mandates and so forth. So we need to embed this in a in a health design that is offered through the existing channels.

00;27;38;08 - 00;27;48;26

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And we've been lucky to find it to find, partners, Detego who have a very who have, who are a part of the rebel camp. Yeah.

00;27;48;27 - 00;27;50;04

Cary Hall

We are a part of the rebel camp.

00;27;50;08 - 00;28;15;03

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

They want it. They want to help this. They want to disrupt it. So we have, brought in, and I have a sense of time. Urgency, frankly, because I think, the timing is on our side. That's why rather than I wait to go and build a health plan, I rather to partner with people who have done this, and they do it much better than, you know, we can do to take this to the market, deliver the results, which I'll be happy to share with you very soon.

00;28;15;05 - 00;28;49;22

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

To the American people. So within the next 1 or 2 years, we have solid data that what are the result of this free market based voting health guardianship. So when that data is there for a large number of population, 50,000 100,000 and so forth, very much like the rest of the world that follow the, the disruptions that happened in the EV or aero space and so forth, this will create the next biggest opportunity for us to create, exponential growth.

00;28;49;25 - 00;29;14;03

Cary Hall

And it will create exponential growth. And when we come back from the break. We're going to talk about $2 trillion that will be saved. This system is adopted. Stay tuned. We'll be right back after the break. We're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Stay tuned. The doctor is still in the house. We've got more.

00;29;14;06 - 00;29;42;04

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across USA. You know, the reason I do these kind of shows is to teach and to explain and deliver information. I think you'll agree that doctor certainly knows what he's talking about. And he certainly has worked in these institutions, both inside and out. I don't care if it's government health care in the UK where he worked, okay, or Japan or Germany in he's worked in these systems.

00;29;42;04 - 00;30;03;08

Cary Hall

He knows how they work and he knows what works, what doesn't work. And he also knows what we're doing here in this country clearly isn't working or you wouldn't see it. You know, this this, this statistic about age, you know, continuing to decline. Life expectancy is continuing to decline. It's the first time that's happened in probably 100 years, but it's happening now.

00;30;03;10 - 00;30;21;26

Cary Hall

We have an epidemic of obesity. We have an epidemic of type two diabetes. We've got multiple problems in this country that are not being addressed because we're on a on a paper procedure system with the hospitals. And that's what we're going to talk about now. So let's let's, you know, we've got the model now we know what will work.

00;30;21;29 - 00;30;38;26

Cary Hall

Well, you've been doing this for a number of years. We understand it, which is why we've adopted it in detail. And we're going to bring these products to market. But there's going to be pushback on this doctor when you start taking money away. I want you to talk about an example. We're not going to name. This is an institution that the doctor worked in.

00;30;38;26 - 00;30;45;21

Cary Hall

It's an institution that if I mention the name, you know, exactly. There were talk about the revenue model from the beginning to where.

00;30;45;23 - 00;31;13;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Right. So, before saying that, let me kind of, repeat again for our audience, that this, disruption is possible. And the result of that is if I, if I take you 15 years ago, 20 years ago, I say I'm going to deliver a vehicle that is becomes the fastest vehicle on market. You go from 0 to 60 miles in less than three seconds.

00;31;13;07 - 00;31;14;24

Cary Hall

That's the Tesla plan, right.

00;31;14;25 - 00;31;33;25

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And by the way, and you know, and so forth, you say, oh come on. Or if I told you again, I want to go to markets that come on. So I'm going to tell you something. If we do this right, the American people in average will live to the age of 100 without any chronic conditions. I'm going to repeat that.

00;31;34;01 - 00;31;56;02

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

My moonshot is for us to live to age of 100, without chronic conditions. When I said this, I said, actually, the Bible has predicted that 220 and I would agree with that. Some of us will live to 120 and the reason for that is when we go back to the, the past century, we eliminated the infectious diseases.

00;31;56;02 - 00;32;18;14

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We added 2 or 3 decades to our lives right. Everyone knows that. Now, if you go back to cemeteries, average age was 4050. If we eliminate the chronic conditions obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular cancer, which I believe we can do that within short 2 or 3 decades. We would add another 2 or 3 decades to our lives. Most Americans will live to age of 100.

00;32;18;17 - 00;32;57;08

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So having said that, when I put that as my moonshot, I don't care if is the Goliath or is the is the, you know, is Putin or whoever the mega power is, leave alone the hospital system. They're going to have to bend to the will of the American people. And that is the beauty of this country. This is where my immigrant, fire in the belly tells me that when you show the right way to American people, they choose it as, Churchill says, Americans finally choose the right way after death, tried death, tried everything else.

00;32;57;11 - 00;33;01;07

Cary Hall

So that's that's true. Words were never spoken. There it is.

00;33;01;07 - 00;33;28;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

I again, I worked you in two health systems in, in Ohio. When I joined them about 20 plus years ago, it was their revenue was one of them. Revenue was 3 billion a year. And these are nonprofit organizations, nonprofit, nonprofit in the hospital system is they don't pay taxes. It doesn't mean that they don't produce that health system now is over $13 billion, in revenue.

00;33;28;25 - 00;33;52;01

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the net income means the profit is over 2 billion a year. So I'll give you an example. The margin for the groceries grocery industry, which is our first need. Food is between 1 and 1. And half percent correct. The hospitals compete for the margin between 7 and 15%. So the other health care system that I worked, the revenue was less than a billion.

00;33;52;01 - 00;34;14;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Now is over five, 5 billion. I wrote an editorial, a few months ago. I said, during my life in Northeast Ohio, the revenues of these two systems have increased by at least 400%. The question I propose to the public is, have your health increased? Improved by 400%? No. Oh, your kidneys have increased by 400%. The answer to both is no.

00;34;14;27 - 00;34;41;22

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

These hospital systems, they do more and more and more because no one is controlling them. So your question was how could this be broken apart? I'm going to say emergent American magic, American magic that over the past 40 years has created the four wealthiest, wealthiest companies in the world. It started from garages, right. And now, you know what companies they.

00;34;41;22 - 00;34;42;20

Cary Hall

Are Amazon.

00;34;42;20 - 00;34;44;16

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Apple, Apple, Microsoft.

00;34;44;16 - 00;34;47;25

Cary Hall

Microsoft. Tesla. All right. There you go.

00;34;47;27 - 00;34;53;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So what I'm saying is it is a it is the fight is going to be a fight between David and Goliath.

00;34;53;29 - 00;35;09;07

Cary Hall

At the Goliath thing. The hospital systems people notice I'm not talking about the insurance industry here. I want you to understand where the the root cause of this lies. He just gave you classic examples of not for profit hospitals and what their profit is. So keep going.

00;35;09;07 - 00;35;11;17

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Yeah, but the insurance companies are not free from.

00;35;11;18 - 00;35;29;25

Cary Hall

I don't say they're free from it, but they're people. There's ways correct. But they're but they're the ones that they're the ones that that we typically under the Obama administration, the past, etc. and people like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, they're the ones that they focus on. They don't want to focus on the health care system. They want to focus on.

00;35;29;25 - 00;35;30;27

Cary Hall

They don't want to focus on that.

00;35;30;28 - 00;35;51;26

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Again, that goes back to my a political system. I am an engine specialist in health care. I know where the leak is happening. The leak is happening, and it starts with the hospitals because that is, as we describe, the insurance companies are paying for this waste, and you're out of there and out of the pocket of you and I out of the pocket of the consumer.

00;35;51;26 - 00;35;54;05

Cary Hall

So the consumer pays for the end of the day.

00;35;54;07 - 00;36;15;00

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

As I said, the rebel camp has a started rebel Campbell time medical detail are a part of it. But thankfully again, there are a lot of smart people in this country. And I'll bet you if the politicians don't prevent us from our innovations and so forth within the next ten years, we will create the next best health care system in this country.

00;36;15;02 - 00;36;37;23

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Affordable, highest quality, and the rest of the world will follow. And I'm going to finish with this. A very smart person told me this is a $2 trillion opportunity in the US, and if you apply that internationally, is between 8 to $10 trillion worldwide. And that's why I'm going to tell you, this is going to eat the EV for lunch.

00;36;37;25 - 00;36;53;20

Cary Hall

I I've been called a cockeyed optimist. I would have to thank the doctor for his is certainly an optimist, but his is based on facts and we delivered the facts. That's the purpose of the show today. I hope you've enjoyed this, and I hope it will make you think about what needs to be done with the health care system in this country.

00;36;53;25 - 00;37;09;09

Cary Hall

Thank you for doing this and you're going to be back. It was my this was too good. You're going to be back. And now I leave you with this thought from Albert Einstein, the one who follows the crowd. We usually get no further than the crowd, the one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one's ever been.

00;37;09;11 - 00;37;24;01

Cary Hall

Remember, friends, it's a funny thing about life. You've refused to accept anything but the very best. You most often get it. Thank you for listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across the USA.

00;37;24;01 - 00;37;25;14

Cary Hall

Goodbye America.

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