
Neuropathy Reversal & Wound Care: The Non-Invasive NeuroTech Revolution at PainLab helps people regain mobility and heal stubborn wounds

David Thiessen • March 8, 2025


Cary Hall, America’s Healthcare Advocate

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S21 E05 - Neuropathy Reversal & Wound Care: The Non-Invasive NeuroTech Revolution at PainLab helps people regain mobility and heal stubborn wounds

Episode 2105 notes

Dr. Arden Andersen works at Brand New Day specialty center in Kansas City where they are using a new approach to non-invasive stimulation to help clients regain mobility, improve neurological conditions, and get past neuropathy, stubborn wounds that aren’t healing, and other physical limitations. And they do it with no medications, no injections, just non-invasive stimulation.

If you are like me, this blows you away when you first hear about it... and you are more that skeptical. But that's perfectly fine with Andersen and Brand New Day Director Steve Sanborn because it's easy to prove, it’s a program that really helps and it is using some amazing FDA-cleared tools.

This is our second show with PainLab, now having grown within Brand New Day Med, Wellness & Specialty in Lenexa, Ks, part of the Kansas City Metro area.

This episode features two additional guests they brought along to explain their personal successes with these new non-invasive approaches to wound healing and the Dr also tells of Earl who suffered a traumatic brain injury and, like similar results involving stroke, he has had amazing success restoring function he thought would never come back... like walking properly, arm movement... all of it.

It's wonderful to hear! As always, if you need help or have something to share? Contact me, Cary Hall, America's Healthcare Advocate: https://www.americashealthcareadvocate.com/contact-us

This is episode 2105

Learn more about the PainLab program at Brand New Day, visit: https://brandnewday.live

or call 833-PainLab.

Video version coming soon

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Episode 2105 Transcript:

00;00;01;01 - 00;00;33;01


Ladies and gentlemen, you. This is America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. Your guide to protecting your personal health. Bringing you simplified answers to the complex questions surrounding health care. Everything from cancer to liver transplants. Nutrition. Exercise. My yoga and Pilates instructor Dana Goodall. Mental health and even pet care doctor Wayne Hunthausen, Westwood Animal Hospital Empowering you to take control of your health and wellness.

00;00;33;02 - 00;00;39;01

Cary Hall

My very special guest today, Grace Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute. Welcome back Grace Marie.

00;00;39;04 - 00;00;46;21

Grace Marie Turner

Well Cary, it's a pleasure to be with you. And I do have to say, you are the most knowledgeable about health policy, just superlative!

00;00;46;24 - 00;00;55;05


And now, ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen. And now. America's Healthcare Advocate, Cary Hall.

00;00;55;12 - 00;01;15;28

Cary Hall

Hello America, welcome to America's Healthcare Advocate. Show broadcasting coast to coast across USA. Here on the HIA Radio Network. You can find out more about us by going to our website, AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com, or one of our 16 podcasts platforms where the show is posted every week, as well as our YouTube platform, America's Healthcare Advocate.

00;01;15;28 - 00;01;37;18

Cary Hall

So all these shows recorded, posted on the podcast platforms. If you're listening across the country or one of our radio stations. We're happy to have you join us. And speaking of that, we have two news stations in Kansas, KMAN-AM. Every time I do this, I get that screwed up, Dave. KMAN-AM 1350 in Manhattan, Kansas, The Little Apple.

00;01;37;18 - 00;02;03;11

Cary Hall

We're very happy to have them on board. That happens to be, Dave's alma mater. So he's very familiar with Manhattan, Kansas and KSAL 1150 AM in Salina, Kansas. Happy to have them on board. As our network continues to grow, they're all part of the America's Healthcare Advocate family. If you are looking for Medicare, Insurance or you're looking for ACA, maybe you're chronologically challenged like me, and you're looking for a Medicare Advantage or Medicare supplement.

00;02;03;13 - 00;02;23;04

Cary Hall

The good people, RPS Benefits by design are happy to help you. 877-385-2224. Feel free to give the lovely Carolee Steele call. She'll be happy to help you anywhere in the country if you need help and you're in Medicare, she can certainly do that. Or if you're looking for an ACA policy, they can certainly help you with that as well.

00;02;23;07 - 00;02;26;07

Cary Hall

All right. Back in studio with me. Welcome back doctor.

00;02;26;07 - 00;02;27;15

Dr Arden Andersen

Oh, thank you very much, Cary.

00;02;27;18 - 00;02;43;25

Cary Hall

Doctor Arden Andersen, we are very happy to have him here with us today. We've done one of these shows with him before, on the PainLab folks. And we're going to talk about that clinic or what they do. We have in studio with us today. We're very fortunate. We have two of his patients. Sharon Everett is here today.

00;02;43;27 - 00;03;04;21

Cary Hall

And Sherry Herbst is here. Welcome to both of you. Thank you. And thank you for coming up to the show today and joining us. So we're going to have a very interesting show today. We did our last broadcast. We talked about some of the things that are happening at the clinic. These are these are these are solutions to people that have medical issues that are not being treated with drugs or surgical procedures or something else.

00;03;04;21 - 00;03;31;27

Cary Hall

Very, very different way of doing things. And it's working and it's working really well. But we thought, what better way to get that message across to you than to actually have the patients come in and sit here with us today and tell their story. So that's what we're going to do a little bit about. Doctor Andersen was the chief Medical Officer at Riordan Clinic in Overland Park, Staff Physician at the Family Practice Occupational Medicine at McDonough Medical Center, Medical Director at Premise Health as well with Burns and McDonald's.

00;03;32;03 - 00;03;39;07

Cary Hall

And he also happens to be an Air Force Flight Surgeon And he was a colonel in the Air Force. So yes, we were both blue suiters

00;03;39;07 - 00;03;40;07

Dr Arden Andersen

Yes, that is correct.

00;03;40;07 - 00;03;44;08

Cary Hall

Although I was the sergeant, I wasn't an officer. So we're happy to have you.

00;03;44;11 - 00;03;44;28

Dr Arden Andersen

You did most.

00;03;44;28 - 00;04;07;17

Cary Hall

Of the work. Well, more that's what we used to say, at least for you didn't hear it. It's never. Okay, so let's just start with PainLab and and and what you and Steve Sanborn have put together here and these treatments that, you know, we're talking about the Neuro20 suit. Now we're talking about some of this light therapy and some of the other things you're doing that are really seeing people get remarkable results.

00;04;07;20 - 00;04;13;29

Cary Hall

We're going to talk about some of those results today, but let's just talk about the mission of PainLab and what you are all doing, doctor.

00;04;14;03 - 00;04;52;16

Dr Arden Andersen

Well, we basically started because of my own personal issues of having had concussions, multiple concussions, actually six with two loss of consciousness, and as well as having, a number of muscle skeletal issues myself with having had back surgery and still remaining some, neuropathy things going on in my left, leg. As a result of that, we and in our practice, we saw a lot of people with neuropathy, both peripheral neuropathy and, and kind of central neuropathy as well up the back and, and also into the lower extremities and upper extremities.

00;04;52;16 - 00;05;15;16

Dr Arden Andersen

We had a lot of people with headaches. We had a lot of people with, wound issues. And most people think of, well, diabetics are the ones that have the most wound issues. But there's a lot of people that have wounds, particularly as they get older, the skin gets thinner, so they bump it easily, it tears, and sometimes it becomes a chronic issue.

00;05;15;16 - 00;05;38;20

Dr Arden Andersen

And so we wanted an approach that would address these kinds of things because in our family as well, having those kinds of, problems. But neuropathy is something where basically it's numbness and tingling in the extremities to the point of not even being able to feel your feet. And so you have balance problems. You have walking problems.

00;05;38;20 - 00;06;09;02

Dr Arden Andersen

In some people it's a pain issue as well that that neuropathy causes. And for most people they're just drugged into oblivion. And rather than actually addressing it because conventional medicine has no real ways of reversing it, they only have medications that will alleviate some of the symptoms we were interested in. How do we actually reverse this stuff so that people can get back to normal functioning?

00;06;09;04 - 00;06;33;05

Dr Arden Andersen

And so initially it was several years ago, because of the concussion issue, I heard an ad that Steve had put on about the Wavi, which is essentially a device that evaluates the brainwaves and really gives us a quick 40 minute evaluation of whether or not you have some consequences of a concussion or do you have a concussion. And so he and I eventually got together.

00;06;33;07 - 00;07;06;18

Dr Arden Andersen

That added in. Then the Neuro20 aspect, which is really the FDA approved EMS suit. Now, there are EMS suits out there that are strictly musculoskeletal oriented. They're not FDA approved. They're they're, basically recreational suits. And yes, they do help for building muscle, but they do not have some specific frequencies that come under FDA medical regulations that the Neuro20 has that actually stimulates then regeneration of nerve tissue.

00;07;06;18 - 00;07;55;16

Dr Arden Andersen

So it, stimulates what's called brain neurotrophic factor, brain derived neurotrophic factor, which actually regenerates nerve tissue. And that is what helps us a big component of reversing neuropathy, actually reversing neuropathy. We're not talking about just palliative therapy with this now. And, a day later than what wears off. You're done. You've got it back. And then in addition, the adding the light, the FireFly light to that process, many people depending upon where they've had their injuries, we address the pain we can address as well non healing wounds that we're going to with our two patients that are here today as well as we find that there's some benefit also in, augmenting the

00;07;55;16 - 00;08;20;23

Dr Arden Andersen

neuro 24 concussion recovery. So we can also treat the head with that process. But so many people and of course many people are familiar with the opioid epidemic, the issues of people getting on pain medicines that are addictive. This is a non-pharmaceutical, noninvasive approach to solving a lot of these problems.

00;08;20;25 - 00;08;21;28

Cary Hall

It's pretty remarkable.

00;08;22;06 - 00;08;22;22

Dr Arden Andersen

It really.

00;08;22;22 - 00;08;50;20

Cary Hall

Is. You know, I've been around this, you know, what Steve has done and this whole process for for some period of time and the stories of people's recovery, of which we're going to hear to today, and you're going to talk about a third one, are quite remarkable. The thing that I think the takeaway here for all of you listening to this, I don't care where you are, where you're at in the country, they've got people coming in here from all over the country, to get treatment, because this is non-invasive.

00;08;50;20 - 00;09;17;13

Cary Hall

And I want to reiterate what he said. What doctor said, that it's non-invasive and there are no drugs. Correct. Those are two things right out of the gate that if I have an issue and and I'm looking for a way to treat that issue, if it's neuropathy or it's a wound issue, whatever the case may be, and I don't have to have a medication for it, or I don't have to go into a surgical procedure or something else, it seems to me that that is something well worth exploring, doctor.

00;09;17;13 - 00;09;21;02

Dr Arden Andersen

Absolutely. And that's why we're involved in it. Yeah, absolutely.

00;09;21;04 - 00;09;31;24

Cary Hall

And, you know, you said something in the first show that when you started doing this, we got break come up here in about a minute. 30. But you said this just reinvigorated you into your practice.

00;09;31;24 - 00;09;56;04

Dr Arden Andersen

Absolutely. Because we now have an answer to a lot of these problems that we didn't have. Yes, we can do IV Therapies, we can do Chelation. We can do a number of, palliative type of therapies. And some of them help to slow down the processes. But we didn't really have anything that was actually reversing it. And why I was so excited about as well.

00;09;56;04 - 00;10;20;17

Dr Arden Andersen

If we look back at Robert Becker, who was a orthopedic surgeon at Syracuse, he found in the 1980s that electromagnetic stimulation of the body of the tissue was a big component to regenerative therapies. And so move that forward to today. That's what we're looking at with the therapies we're using.

00;10;20;18 - 00;10;32;10

Cary Hall

It's quite remarkable. If you know, if this sounds like anything, you'd be interested. Maybe it's somebody in your family, maybe it's your mother, maybe it's your father, maybe it's your spouse, or maybe it's you. You want to give these folks a call?

00;10;32;10 - 00;10;40;27

Cary Hall

The number is 833-PainLab. That's real easy to remember. 833 PainLab, their website PainLabKC.com.

00;10;40;28 - 00;10;57;15

Cary Hall

All this information is up there. Go to the website PainLabKC.com. It's all there. Or just call them. They'll be happy to help, consult with you and chat to you about what they can do. 833-PainLab is the phone number. Be happy to give them a call if they can help you. We’ll be right back after the break. You're listening.

00;10;57;18 - 00;11;15;16

Cary Hall

America’s Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across USA. Don't go anywhere. The doctor is in the house. We'll be right back.

00;11;15;18 - 00;11;36;09

Cary Hall

You. Welcome back to America's Healthcare Advocate show, broadcasting coast to coast across USA here on the HIA Radio Network. You know, you hear this show, and maybe you’ve got somebody in your family, maybe in your church group, whatever the case may be, and you think you know what? This might really be helpful for them. I know somebody's got horrible neuropathy.

00;11;36;16 - 00;12;02;12

Cary Hall

Maybe this would be helpful to them. Go up to the website AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com Dave posts all these shows up there. They're also on our YouTube channel, America's Healthcare Advocate. And we're on 16 podcast platforms. So you can look on any one of those podcast platforms, Spotify it doesn't matter. We're up there and those shows are all posted up there, and you can tell them, listen to the show and they can listen to what actually happened in the studio here.

00;12;02;15 - 00;12;18;09

Cary Hall

It might be of a lot of help to them, and that's a great way to do this. So all right, well welcome back and thank you all again for being here. So doctor we're going to talk with your patient Sharon Everett, now Sharon is a young 92 years old and plays pickleball. She was playing tennis up until not very long ago.

00;12;18;09 - 00;12;24;03

Cary Hall

And now she's switched to pickleball. So welcome, Sharon. I hope when I get to 92, I'm doing as well as you are.

00;12;24;05 - 00;12;24;24

Sharon Everett

Thank you.

00;12;24;25 - 00;12;37;26

Cary Hall

Well, happy to have you in here. So what happened to you? And then tell the story of what happened to you. We talked about this before we went on air. And then what happened after you got to treatment at PainLab?

00;12;38;02 - 00;13;09;25

Sharon Everett

Okay. I had an accident. Split my leg open, actually, on the same place that had been split open before, but had healed. This was bad. My doctor said, you know, I patched it up. My doctor said I needed to go to the PainLab over on 87th, and Lachman and. And they needed to use the blue and red light on my leg.

00;13;09;28 - 00;13;38;18

Sharon Everett

And, I had never had any reason to doubt that. And I went over there and they used a treatment of, blue and red light and red infrared light on my leg for ten minutes. It stopped bleeding. By the time I left that ten minutes, the bleeding had stopped. They kept it bandaged simply because, they didn't want me to hit it again.

00;13;38;20 - 00;13;39;06

Cary Hall

Make sense?

00;13;39;06 - 00;14;03;05

Sharon Everett

And reopen it. Okay. Anyway, I had two more treatments, and. But the end of that third treatment, it was completely gone. Healed. I didn't have to go through surgery. I didn't have to go through antibiotics because the blue light takes care of all the antibiotics on your skin. And even deeper. I am a true believer of this procedure.

00;14;03;07 - 00;14;33;12

Sharon Everett

I think it needs to be used and accepted by all, hospitals. It needs to be on the front lines where the military are in combat. Any kind of an open wound can be healed almost instantly with this blue light and red light. It's an absolutely amazing. It should be used in all the hospitals anywhere else where there's any kind of injury, whether it be any place on your body, they can get to.

00;14;33;15 - 00;14;38;07

Sharon Everett

And, it's just a revealing factor that it is. It works.

00;14;38;14 - 00;15;02;13

Cary Hall

Doctor. So talk about the technology behind this. A couple things stood out there. Number one, no issue with antibiotics or using antiseptics. Because obviously you're not worried about infection. And why. And the second thing is, how does this technology get the skin, the muscle, the tissue to close up and heal like that? I mean, three treatments and she's done.

00;15;02;16 - 00;15;12;26

Cary Hall

She didn't have to go into the ER and get stitched up. But God knows that wouldn't have been much fun. Okay. And then you got to get the stitches out and then you're worried about infection. So let's go to that. Doctor.

00;15;12;26 - 00;15;38;27

Dr Arden Andersen

The net effect really is that we're increasing, local blood flow significantly. So the body itself then has the mechanisms necessary to actually heal the tissue. And so just a little elaboration on Sharon's. So this is on the shin. So the skin is very thin. And as people get older the skin gets thinner and thinner. So you know the back of your hands and your shin in particular.

00;15;38;27 - 00;16;03;01

Dr Arden Andersen

And she had had a similar thing. She was playing tennis last year, got hit with a tennis ball right on the shin. And it just opened up like an, like a cracked egg. That skin, it took at least three months for that to heal. And we bandaged it and rechecked it and we did, antibiotics on it and all kinds of things.

00;16;03;01 - 00;16;25;26

Dr Arden Andersen

It took three months for that to heal, where this time she bumped it, and it looked almost exactly the same when I first saw it, as she had just done previously that year, last year. And so I said, we can't wait on that. Get in there. Let's get that light on it. The blue and red combination with the deep infrared.

00;16;25;28 - 00;16;51;06

Dr Arden Andersen

So we're attacking or going after pathogens. The blue lights will help to suppress some of those. You're not going to be completely aseptic, but you're going to suppress those so that the immune system can control most of that. And the red light, then is helping to stimulate that blood flow so that you actually get granulation tissue coming in and a rehabilitation of that whole process.

00;16;51;08 - 00;17;11;28

Dr Arden Andersen

And so it's not really a time issue. It's about getting the biochemistry set up so that the tissue can heal. And obviously without that it took three months before for that to be sufficient. And particularly when you think about those things, you don't have a lot of blood flow in that real thin skin on the shins and the back of the hands.

00;17;11;28 - 00;17;19;28

Dr Arden Andersen

And that's why it takes so long to heal, right? But with this, it stimulates bringing that blood flow back into those local areas that have been injured.

00;17;20;01 - 00;17;21;17

Cary Hall

And she did this in three treatments.

00;17;21;20 - 00;17;38;28

Dr Arden Andersen

She did this on three treatments. And unbeknownst to me as well, she showed me that she also had this huge lesion on the back of her, back up her back. That looks like old shingles. But it was still open and oozing like shingles. If you've had those.

00;17;38;28 - 00;17;39;26

Cary Hall

Yeah, I've had it.

00;17;39;29 - 00;17;46;22

Dr Arden Andersen

And Steve has been treating those and those have healed up as well. And so and she had had that for how long.

00;17;46;22 - 00;17;47;28

Sharon Everett

She three years.

00;17;47;28 - 00;17;49;23

Dr Arden Andersen

Three years. And that hadn't healed up.

00;17;49;25 - 00;18;09;27

Sharon Everett

Well, I kept irritating it because every time you sit down, you lean back. Right. And so it was constantly being irritated. So it just never had a chance to really heal. And, I, I just made up my mind. I said to myself what it did to my shin. I'm going to see if it can do anything for my back.

00;18;10;00 - 00;18;32;19

Sharon Everett

And Arden said, Doctor Andersen said it was fine. We tried it and it's like almost gone. And that's been, I don't know, two months that I've been getting a ten minute treatments with the infrared and the red and the blue light, and I am an absolute firm believer of its healing power.

00;18;32;21 - 00;18;52;13

Cary Hall

Well, obviously, based on what you went through, you would be. Yeah, I can see that. And and doctor, you know, you're supervising and treatment and the difference this is making, I mean, you know, like I said, I'm 75 years old and I can tell you that, you know. Yeah. You do. You're your skin is thinner. I've got bruises on my hands right now, etc..

00;18;52;20 - 00;19;12;08

Cary Hall

I mean, we don't heals quickly, but at 92 years of age, you know, Sharon comes in and gets two of these treatment. Three of the treatments and this wound, which was open and the same wound that you'd seen months before, turn in three treatments, turns around. It's completely healed and you're not having any issue with any issues with it now at all.

00;19;12;09 - 00;19;33;05

Sharon Everett

Not at all. At this place on my back was caused by, wire in a bra that I was wearing. Okay. That's been eliminated. I could throw those away. And so since then, I have had Steve take care of me with the infrared lights, and it's just helped tremendously.

00;19;33;06 - 00;19;56;01

Cary Hall

That's fantastic. You know, if you know this sounds too good to be true, it's not it. Okay? That's why they. Look, it's one thing for me to tell you about these things, to even bring doctor in here. It's something else. When we actually bring the patient in here, which is why they, you know, Steve went to the trouble of doing this, and so did Doctor Arden Andersen tell you to come in here and do this and get these folks in here so they can actually tell you what they went through and how it worked.

00;19;56;04 - 00;20;15;13

Cary Hall

If you want help, you know, somebody that needs help. The phone number to get Ahold of them is, 833 PainLab. It's really easy to remember 833 PainLab or the website brandnewday.live. Give them a call. They'll be happy to chat with you and see if they can help you. We'll be right back after the break.

00;20;15;13 - 00;20;33;09

Cary Hall

You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate Broadcasting here on the right radio network. Coast to coast across the USA. Stay right here. We'll be right back. Chris.

00;20;33;11 - 00;20;51;05

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. Here on the HIA Radio Network, you can find out more about us by going to the website AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com. We had a lady in West Virginia last week who reached out to us and listened to the radio show. She needed some help.

00;20;51;07 - 00;21;06;16

Cary Hall

We were happy to help her. If you have a question, a comment or something I could help you with, go to the website, send me an email. I will get back to you and happy to chat with you about anything. If it revolves around health or health care, whatever the case may be, feel free to go to the website.

00;21;06;16 - 00;21;30;11

Cary Hall

Do that. We'll be happy to get in touch with you once again. AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com is the website. My producers day Garner Calvary behind the microphones. And as always, Dave Thiessen is the man behind the cameras. The man who puts all these shows up on our podcast platforms as well as on our YouTube platform. So that's how that's how we get all this done today up here to Cumulus Studios, our flagship here in Overland Park, Kansas.

00;21;30;13 - 00;21;49;21

Cary Hall

All right. Once again, if you are interested in reaching out to the folks at PainLab, the phone number is 833 Paine Lab. Really easy to remember that one or BrandNewDay.Live. All right, so, Sherry, let's tell us your story. And how you went to Paine lab and what worked for you and what happened to you.

00;21;49;21 - 00;21;50;27

Cary Hall

So take it away, Sherry.

00;21;51;02 - 00;22;20;26

Sherry Herbst

Okay. In June, I cut my heel with a heavy wrought iron pull gate, and it cut it deeply enough that I ended up having to go to the E.R., and they did nine stitches on the inside because I had cut a couple of tendons and it had nicked the Achilles tendon. And then 11 on the outside. They put me in a full boot for 14 days, which was 24 hours a day and miserable.

00;22;20;28 - 00;22;54;27

Sherry Herbst

And when I got up and started walking around in it, which is what they want, wanted me to do, the stitches split open and I am a patient of Doctor Arden Andersen, and he I have seen him for my compounded hormones and Prolo Therapy and he, I went in to see him for another problem, and Doctor Andersen looked at my, my heel, which by that time was about four inches split open from top to bottom and then around the heel, and it was getting infected.

00;22;54;27 - 00;23;23;16

Sherry Herbst

And so he immediately had me go see Steve at the PainLab, and we did the blue light and red light treatment on my heel. And it it had been open. It was starting to get infected. It was awful. I couldn't use any, any antibiotics or anything because it would affected the tendons. So this immediately started to heal the infection.

00;23;23;19 - 00;23;49;25

Sherry Herbst

It started closing the wound almost like a clamshell. And I probably had three treatments before it was completely closed and another two treatments after that, just to help that he a little better. Since then I have I have seen another healthcare person who looked at it and they said, oh my gosh, that wound looks like it's seven years old.

00;23;49;27 - 00;24;07;18

Sherry Herbst

It was amazing. I, I was willing to try anything and I am telling you that I am a natural health advocate anyway, which is why I see Doctor Andersen. But the blue light, the FireFly is amazing, doctor.

00;24;07;24 - 00;24;40;09

Dr Arden Andersen

It's actually a little worse than what she's describing. So what we see with wounds sometimes is that they dehisce In other words, we get them put back together with sutures and that frequently you take the sutures out, and then the wound just opens right up because it actually doesn't heal. Well, my concern with hers was not only were we having dehiscence, that wound was not healing with the sutures, she was getting so much swelling in the ankle and the foot.

00;24;40;09 - 00;25;05;06

Dr Arden Andersen

I was concerned about strangulation of the blood flow and landing her back in the hospital with, an emergency surgery in order to, open this up and relieve some of that pressure. Because when she came in to see me that day, the skin was very tight. It was glassy. It was so tight around her ankle and her foot.

00;25;05;09 - 00;25;28;11

Dr Arden Andersen

And so from my perspective, this was a near emergent issue of getting it treated with a light. And so we did obviously, and started getting reversal of that. And so, it was one of those things that she had tried, the conventional approach. She'd been to the doctor. They are the ones that were taking care of them, following it.

00;25;28;18 - 00;25;42;18

Dr Arden Andersen

And it was not working. And so she really was on the day she came in. She was quite frustrated about the whole process because it was actually getting worse by the day, rather than going the other way that she had anticipated.

00;25;42;18 - 00;25;50;24

Cary Hall

So let's go back to something you said that I thought was interesting. She said it was getting infected. Now, we talked about infection, with Sharon, she never had the issue, but she had the issue.

00;25;50;24 - 00;25;52;21

Dr Arden Andersen

She actually did have an infection.

00;25;52;24 - 00;26;13;28

Cary Hall

Here's the other part of that equation. When you're when you're again chronologically challenged okay. And these things these things happen. It becomes it can become much worse. It can turn to sepsis. It can turn to who knows what. So talk about that again. And the treatment you know Sharon went to the treatment without stitches. Never had an infection issue.

00;26;14;02 - 00;26;23;28

Cary Hall

Talk about how the light blue and red light solved that issue without. And she couldn't take antibiotics. Sherry couldn't take antibiotics. So talk about how that interacted to solve that problem.

00;26;23;28 - 00;26;44;25

Dr Arden Andersen

Right. On that day it actually was oozing pus, out of the opening in the, back of the ankle. And so the light, the blue light will go after the infection and the red light getting more blood flow in there allows the immune system to clear the debris and go after the infection as well to help clear that.

00;26;44;25 - 00;27;00;17

Dr Arden Andersen

So both targeting the infection with the blue light and the, healing with the red light, plus the infrared getting extra blood flow in the area. And let nature then take its course appropriately, which it did.

00;27;00;19 - 00;27;21;20

Cary Hall

It's it's really remarkable. I mean, it really is, but without a surgical procedure, you know, without without medications, without drugs. She couldn't take antibiotics because the other issue she had a lot of people don't do well on antibiotics. There are a lot of side effects with them that caused problems, you know, to be able to do this and have the problem get resolved.

00;27;21;23 - 00;27;37;12

Cary Hall

You know, it's pretty remarkable. I'm going to ask you to do one of the thing without getting, another family member upset at you. Tell the story about your grandson. And, this is not, by the way, this is not just for those of us that are seasoned citizens. Okay, so her grandson got hit in the face, right?

00;27;37;12 - 00;27;38;16

Cary Hall

With a baseball? Yes.

00;27;38;16 - 00;28;05;02

Sherry Herbst

My grandson is a pitcher, and he pitches a he's 13. He pitches at about 70 miles an hour. And he was at a practice one night, and he was supposed to be standing behind a shield after he pitched the ball, but he didn't move quite fast enough. So he threw the ball to a kid that was ten feet in front of him, and the kid hit the ball back and hit him squarely in the face.

00;28;05;04 - 00;28;14;09

Sherry Herbst

He ended up with a huge amount of swelling. His lip was 3 or 4 times normal.

00;28;14;12 - 00;28;15;13

Cary Hall

Yeah, I saw the picture.

00;28;15;14 - 00;28;44;03

Sherry Herbst

His eye was half way swollen, so of course, and his and he was bleeding profusely. So my, my son in law took him to the emergency room. They checked him over to make sure he didn't have a concussion. They were looking to see if he had any broken bones, whatever else. And so they sent him home. And the next day or that night, my daughter sent me a picture of him and I said, you have to send him to the PainLab.

00;28;44;09 - 00;29;06;05

Sherry Herbst

It will be miraculous what you see. So I had to convince her that this was really going to work. And so the next day she, I, I had called Steve at the PainLab. He made room for, for him to go in, and he went in and had his first treatment. And this was like on a Tuesday morning.

00;29;06;07 - 00;29;12;21

Sharon Everett

And by Friday he was back in school and you couldn't even tell he had been hit in the face.

00;29;12;23 - 00;29;19;28

Cary Hall

It's remarkable doctor, it is so, so the difference here, it's not an open wound. It's it's a, you know,

00;29;20;00 - 00;29;20;14

Dr Arden Andersen


00;29;20;20 - 00;29;23;09

Cary Hall

Yeah. So talk about that before we got to break at about two minutes.

00;29;23;13 - 00;29;46;08

Dr Arden Andersen

Well any time you have a contusion you're going to have a lot of blood accumulation. And swelling of tissue just because of the injured tissue. And so by putting the appropriate light in there, we actually increase that blood flow so that the body does what it's supposed to do, which is to clear that old debris and then heal whatever damage in the tissue was damaged.

00;29;46;08 - 00;29;50;20

Dr Arden Andersen

And so we just essentially accelerate the process.

00;29;50;23 - 00;30;14;26

Cary Hall

It is remarkable. You know, we do these kind of shows. They're unconventional, right? I mean, this is not the first time we've done something like this. We've done shows on the Wavi, we've done shows on the Neuro20 suit the purpose in doing these kind of shows is to bring information to the public across the country. There there are people coming in here from Washington, DC, from other places to get treatment, because this treatment is very different in the way that it works.

00;30;15;00 - 00;30;34;21

Cary Hall

You can hear it's noninvasive, there's no medications involved. You know, we've got Doctor Andersen sitting here, okay, who's been practicing medicine for a very, very long time and clearly understands all of this. If you're listening him, you can see that this is an opportunity and the reason why I do these kind of shows is to inform and educate.

00;30;34;21 - 00;30;55;20

Cary Hall

And I hope that you're understanding that and you're hearing that out there. And if he knows someone in need, this is a great opportunity to connect with him, get them involved with the People PainLab. It can make a huge difference for them. If you want to call them the number is 833 PainLab 833 PainLab. You want to give them a call or if you want to go up on the website is BrandNewDay.Live.

00;30;55;27 - 00;31;18;13

Cary Hall

That’s brandnewday.live. We'll be right back after the break. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across the USA. When we come back, we're going to talk about that Neuro20 suit and what a difference it made for someone. This is a patient of doctor. Stay tuned. We've got more.

00;31;18;15 - 00;31;44;02

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across the USA here on the HIA Radio Network. You know, you've heard this story. You've heard these patients. And here today, Sherry and Sharon talk about what they've done, how this has made a difference. You've heard doctor talk about it, from a clinical standpoint as an expert in this field, if you want help, pick up the phone and call these people, okay.

00;31;44;08 - 00;32;07;23

Cary Hall

833 PainLab. Maybe you've got a mother in a nursing home, you know, or an assisted living facility, and they're dealing with this issue. This is a way to get that issue solved. So once again, the phone number is 833 PainLab. The website is brandnewday.live. You can go up on the podcast platforms were up there on all of them SoundCloud, Spotify, Amazon, you name it, we're on it.

00;32;07;26 - 00;32;27;17

Cary Hall

Okay. And you can, have tell someone, hey, listen to this podcast. This might be a big help to you, okay? You know, or go up on the YouTube channel, America's Healthcare Advocate YouTube and watch the show, just like we're doing it here in the studio. So once again, the phone number is 833 PainLab. If you want to reach out for some help and a consultation.

00;32;27;23 - 00;32;37;22

Cary Hall

So let's talk about Earl Ostertag. This is the Neuro20 suit. Yes. And this let's just talk a little bit about the Neuro20 suit. And then what happened with Earl.

00;32;37;25 - 00;32;41;16

Dr Arden Andersen

Okay. Neuro20 suit essentially looks like a wet suit.

00;32;41;17 - 00;32;42;01

Cary Hall


00;32;42;03 - 00;33;19;21

Dr Arden Andersen

And it has silver lining in it. And it is then connected in with an electrical box and a software package that gives us the specific workouts that we want to do in there, whether it's conditioning or muscle strengthening or, relaxation or whatever it might be. But the key to it is an FDA approved specific pulse that stimulates its brain derived neurotrophic factor, which is the factor that stimulates regeneration of nerves.

00;33;19;24 - 00;33;44;07

Dr Arden Andersen

Now, 20 years ago, we said that was impossible. You can't regenerate nerves, particularly in the brain. We know today that that's simply not true. You just have to hit it right. And you don't have to have the nutrition on the foundation in order for whatever stimulation you do to have the building blocks to rebuild that. So this gentleman came in, he had peripheral neuropathy, basically from the waist down, through the ends of his toes to the point he was nonfunctional.

00;33;44;12 - 00;34;04;02

Dr Arden Andersen

He couldn't walk well, he had balance problems. He couldn't do anything around the home, really, to take care of himself or his family very well. And he had significant back spasms then attributed along with that. So particularly diabetics understand this. When you get to the point you can't feel the bottom of your feet, you don't know where you're stepping.

00;34;04;02 - 00;34;05;15

Dr Arden Andersen

And so your balance is terrible.

00;34;05;15 - 00;34;06;14

Cary Hall

And he was a diabetic.

00;34;06;14 - 00;34;30;04

Dr Arden Andersen

And he was that way. So we started treatment. Long story short, that's all gone now. It's gone to the point that he is back doing chores around the home, taking care of the family, doing everything that you would expect a man of his age to be able to do now doing. And he could not do any of those things prior to getting the therapy.

00;34;30;07 - 00;34;35;25

Cary Hall

How long has he been using the suit and how long the sessions that Steve's been providing? And what's the ballpark?

00;34;35;27 - 00;34;46;25

Dr Arden Andersen

We're only doing just a couple months really on that. And, so he's just happy as a lark, but more importantly, he's able to take care of his family.

00;34;46;27 - 00;34;59;12

Cary Hall

Yeah. This is you know, this is the whole issue with the way we do medicine in this country. There was no solution for that. That's correct. Well, we'll give you another med, okay. That's correct. Or whatever.

00;34;59;13 - 00;35;00;07

Dr Arden Andersen

Just up them.

00;35;00;07 - 00;35;21;23

Cary Hall

Yeah. Correct. Okay. You're talking about something here where you put the suit on, and I'm very familiar with this suit. And have worked with Steve with it for years. You put the suit on the suit. It's, you know, it's the treatments tailored to that individual. Correct? Correct. Okay. And it's supervised. Correct. Okay. And then that suit starts this regeneration.

00;35;21;23 - 00;35;26;01

Cary Hall

Correct. That then allows people to make a full recovery, like you've done.

00;35;26;03 - 00;35;50;07

Dr Arden Andersen

That is correct. And typically we start out with twice a week, therapy with them. But as we're finding if we reduce that like people are coming in from a long distance, we can actually treat them daily. We just go with a little lighter treatment daily. We could do it five days a week for people that may have to travel in from a long distance, to do things.

00;35;50;09 - 00;36;12;02

Dr Arden Andersen

And so the things that we can treat with that are not just neuropathy, which is a pretty significant. We have another lady as well. She came in with significant neuropathy. And not only that low back pain. And she was getting more and more difficulty with just functioning and that's all gone. We haven't seen her back in, over a month or two.

00;36;12;04 - 00;36;42;02

Dr Arden Andersen

It's gone. So she doesn't have the neuropathy anymore. She's back functioning like she was prior to that. So we'll take care of all kinds of things that are, neurologically involve Parkinson's, M.S., drop foot, balance issues, pre and post surgery, as well as, we can do the lungs and the sinus if you're getting infection or a bunch of junk and then you can't get rid of like we've had recently with a lot of things.

00;36;42;02 - 00;37;15;19

Dr Arden Andersen

And stroke patients respond extremely well with this therapy, getting them back to be able to function, getting some of that brain, repaired from what was damaged during the stroke, particularly their balance is a big issue for a lot of those people. We've treated transverse myelitis. It's really one of those things that we have known, like I said, since Robert Becker theoretically could be done, but we didn't have the.

00;37;15;20 - 00;37;16;05

Cary Hall


00;37;16;05 - 00;37;21;18

Dr Arden Andersen

Tools, if you will, in order to do that. And now we do with the Neuro20, system.

00;37;21;20 - 00;37;30;02

Cary Hall

Quite remarkable. We got about two minutes left. Let's talk about the application of this in nursing homes, specifically the wound care issue. Yes, and some of these other things.

00;37;30;05 - 00;37;56;29

Dr Arden Andersen

Well, as we know, so many elderly people in these nursing homes, they're not moving very much. So the are getting a lot of ulcers? Either decubitus ulcers or they they bump their foot or their bump their leg or their arm or whatever. And so these things don't heal real well. One, because they're not moving around. Well, they don't have great circulation and but they suffer a lot then from those just the light with 2 or 3 treatments we can heal most of those problems.

00;37;56;29 - 00;38;20;13

Dr Arden Andersen

No meds with no medication. So we're not compounding their problems biochemically, right. As well as no surgery. None of those kinds of things are going to be invasive, causing problems for those people. And so as well some of them just have pain. I mean, they have shoulder pain, knee pain, ankle pain. And a lot of them are in a place you're not going to do any invasive things anyway.

00;38;20;13 - 00;38;29;14

Dr Arden Andersen

They're not in good enough shape to do invasive things. But if you can give them some relief to have a better quality of life, that's all they're asking for.

00;38;29;16 - 00;38;45;23

Cary Hall

And that's what can make a big difference here. And again, you know, like I said, the purpose of doing these shows is to educate. So let's say you've got a parent in a nursing home or a grandparent in a nursing home, and you're constantly trying to deal with this wound issue, okay. And they're treating it however they're treating.

00;38;45;23 - 00;39;07;12

Cary Hall

It's not working well. Okay. Here's a solution. They can work could make a big difference for them. Okay. Maybe you're a nursing home administrator. You know, you've got this issue with patients in your home. This is another opportunity to do something. They can make a big, big difference for your folks. Okay. So if you're interested in getting information you want to work with Doctor Andersen, right, to work with Steve Sanborn who runs this clinic.

00;39;07;17 - 00;39;27;19

Cary Hall

You can do that by giving them a call at 833 PainLab 833 PainLab or the website BrandNewDay.Live that’s brandnewday.live. Thank you doctor. Thank you Sherry. Thank you, Sharon, for coming in today. Yes, we'll see you on the pickleball courts. She'll probably be on one of those televised pickleball tournaments. Keep it keep. Stay tuned.

00;39;27;19 - 00;39;39;01

Cary Hall

You never know. All right. And now I leave you with this thought from Albert Einstein. The one who follows the crowd. They usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.

00;39;39;03 - 00;39;45;11

Cary Hall

Remember, friends, it’s a funny thing about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the very best. You most often get it.

00;39;45;18 - 00;39;59;07

Cary Hall

Thank you for listening to America's Healthcare Advocate Show. Broadcasting coast to coast across the USA here on the HIA Radio Network. Goodbye, America.

00;39;59;09 - 00;40;03;20

Cary Hall

00;40;03;22 - 00;40;05;05

Cary Hall

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