
Dr Bowtie on his Moonshot for Healthcare plan - DOGE - and this Historic Opportunity

David Thiessen • December 20, 2024


Cary Hall, America’s Healthcare Advocate

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S21 E04 - Medicare 2025: How to choose, who to trust and why-when you're new to Medicare
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S20 E36 - Dr Bowtie on his Moonshot for Healthcare plan - DOGE - and this Historic Opportunity

Episode 2036 notes

In this episode we're going to talk about Bowtie Medical and the different product model that is being brought to market by Bowtie Health. Our returning guest, Doctor Firouz Daneshgari is the CEO, founder and president of Bowtie Medical. Here is what he says: "As you know, this show is post the election of President Trump and his, ambitious goals to change the direction America has taken. Right now we are spending 2 to 3 times more than the rest of the world on healthcare. I'll repeat that. We are spending over $13,000 per capita, per person, per year, compared to 4 to $6000 with Europeans and Japanese with much worse outcomes. So we have an expensive and and mispriced system. We have the best technology. All we have to do is to redirect our efforts from a sick care to a health care."

The Dr will also explain a phenomenon called Longevity Escape Velocity and much more about Health Guardianship as an alternative that delivers high-quality care and guards you from the unnecessary care being prescribed in the current “sick care” system..

This is Season 20 Episode 36

Learn more about Bowtie Medical and Dr Firouz Daneshgari: https://bowtiemedical.com/

Business owners and brokers should contact sales@bowtiemedical.com to learn more, and as always if you need help or have something to share? Contact me, Cary Hall, America's Healthcare Advocate: https://www.americashealthcareadvocate.com/contact-us

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Episode 2029 Transcript:

00;00;01;14 - 00;00;05;25


And now America's Healthcare Advocate, Cary Hall.

00;00;05;28 - 00;00;25;02

Cary Hall

Hello, America. Welcome to America's Healthcare Advocate show, broadcasting Coast to coast across the USA here on the HIA Radio Network. My producer behind the microphones, Mr. Darren Wilhite. And behind the cameras, Mr. Dave Thiessen, as always, recording me shows and posting them on our 15 podcast platforms and our YouTube platform.

00;00;25;02 - 00;00;50;12

Cary Hall

Now, 443,000 views on YouTube and 95,000 listeners up on the podcast channel. I want to give a shout out today to why 1570 Am and 95.5 FM in Terre Haute, Lewiston, Indiana. So Terre Haute and Louis, Indiana. Want to say hello to you? You've been with us for a long time. We appreciate being on the station there. And our show airs at 7:00 on Saturday mornings.

00;00;50;15 - 00;00;59;24

Cary Hall

We're very happy about that. All right. In studio with me, joining me again, coming in here from Cleveland, Ohio, back to Kansas City, Dr Firouz Daneshgari. Welcome, doctor.

00;00;59;24 - 00;01;00;22

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Thank you.

00;01;00;24 - 00;01;23;22

Cary Hall

Very happy to have you again. You care taking time out of your busy schedule. And he does have a very busy schedule. So today's show is going to be very interesting. And I'm going to do a little piece on his bio here in a second. But I read this to you. The Trump administration has an historic opportunity to to declare a moonshot and initiatives to eliminate chronic conditions by the end of this decade or the next.

00;01;23;23 - 00;01;40;12

Cary Hall

Now we're going to talk about what that would look like. If that sounds like pie in the sky, it's not. And we're going to we're going to do two shows today. This is our third in the series that we've done. The first one we're going to talk about the incoming administration. What what what opportunities are and how those can be taken advantage of.

00;01;40;12 - 00;02;00;15

Cary Hall

And the second piece we're going to talk about is Bowtie Medical and its partnership with Detego Health. And the different product model that is being brought to market by Bowtie Health. And Detego and, Doctor Daneshgari is in fact the CEO, founder and president of Bowtie Medical. So a little bit about him.

00;02;00;18 - 00;02;36;10

Cary Hall

Doctor Daneshgari's academic career trajectory includes assistant professor of surgery at the University of Colorado, founding director and fellowship program, and female pelvic medicine reconstructive surgery at Cleveland Clinic Glickman Urological Institute. Professor and chairman of Upstate Medical University, SNUY. Professor and chairman of Case Western Reserve University. Founder and director of the Urological Institute at the University Hospital. He has published over 200 scientific articles, books and periodicals, and a number of clinical investigative panels that he has served on.

00;02;36;12 - 00;02;46;07

Cary Hall

Health Guardianship, a book that is Sick Care System, which became an Amazon bestseller in 2022.

00;02;46;09 - 00;03;04;21

Cary Hall

Well, you certainly know your way around the block with the topics, doctor. So once again, it's an honor to have you here, and I thank you for taking the time to come to fly into Kansas City and do this. So let's just start with that. I just read that opening piece you gave me about the moonshot. Let's just start with that and then and then go forward from there.

00;03;04;21 - 00;03;37;00

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Doctor, thank you for being here and, pleasure and honor, to be with you and speak to your listeners. As you know, this show is post the election, the election of President Trump and his, ambitious goals to change the direction, America has taken, probably to me and probably to you, the most important direction that I think we need to, empower ourselves and the new administration with is in the healthcare.

00;03;37;02 - 00;03;53;18

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Because when we repeat, the facts that we are spending 2 to 3 times more than the rest of the world, I'll repeat that. We are spending over $13,000 per capita, per person, per year, compared to 4 to 6000 with Europeans and Japanese.

00;03;53;18 - 00;03;54;25

Cary Hall

With worse outcomes.

00;03;54;25 - 00;04;28;26

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Much worse outcomes. So we have an expensive and and mispriced system. So Obamacare came to try to leverage this equalize this with the individual mandate. But short fall of the Obamacare was was not did not focus on inefficiencies of the system and therefore has actually added to the increased cost. So I was looking at the numbers, as of today, we are spending $54 billion on, on, subsidies and, and.

00;04;28;26 - 00;04;31;16

Cary Hall

And what is the total defense budget now?

00;04;31;18 - 00;04;56;18

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Well, the hell health care dollar we spent last year. We spent four and half trillion dollars. And the defense budget is less than the trillion. So we are nearly as spending five times more than the defense budget on health care and the defense. No one dares to touch us in the health care for this $4.5 trillion. Every single day, we create 170,000 new cases of chronic conditions.

00;04;56;18 - 00;05;17;04

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

I'll repeat that. We are spending $4.5 trillion in this country for our health care, and every day we generate 170,000 new cases of chronic conditions: Cardiovascular, obesity, diabetes. It's like every time you put a gas into your car, right? It doesn't take you anywhere. That is how the.

00;05;17;05 - 00;05;18;22

Cary Hall

That's a great analogy.

00;05;18;24 - 00;05;49;18

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So and we spend we spend our time last time in discussing why this system has become sicker and why we are having this expensive and mispriced system. There are misaligned, misalignments. The misalignments are the hospitals have become financial institutions in majority of the markets. They have hired over 80% of the doctors to the job of the doctors have changed from solving people's problem to protecting the revenues of these financial institutions.

00;05;49;20 - 00;06;14;04

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The second misalignment is that third party payer, they're paying for this waste for, for the waste of the hospitals out of the pocket of the citizens and employees. And that has desensitized, individuals. They think when they have an insurance card in their pocket, someone else is paying for it, not realizing. No, it's their employer is paying for it, and these are the foregone wages out of their pocket.

00;06;14;04 - 00;06;35;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So these are the misalignments, as we discussed this, them last, last time. And I have written them in the book. And the second part, though, is that the government, the CMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have miserably failed to reduce the cost over the past 40 to 50 years.

00;06;35;20 - 00;06;59;15

Cary Hall

So we talked about this over dinner last night. Right. And we talked about when people say what Elon Musk and Vikram Swami are talking about doing with dogs, that it's impossible for them to save $2 trillion. And I'm going to ask you to address that, but I want to point one thing out before we get there. Last year in 2023, the Department of Health and Human Services, this is not the Wall Street Journal or Fox News or CNN.

00;06;59;19 - 00;07;13;19

Cary Hall

This is the Department of Health and Human Services, $100 billion in Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste, 100 billion in Medicare fraud and waste. So let's go back to the conversation.

00;07;13;21 - 00;07;34;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

I think whenever we know that going back to the statistics you read, whenever the government comes and takes control of the payment, it is always filled with fraud and abuse. And so Medicare is a part of it. But to me, the bigger picture is this misaligned system, that is invisible to the average customer and to individuals.

00;07;34;09 - 00;08;22;26

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Now, these were the discussions of, you know, before the election. Now we have a new administration in place, a President Trump, when he appointed Mr. Kennedy junior, Mr. Oz as running the HHS and, the CMS single word that was repeated in his comments was that their job is to eliminate or reduce chronic conditions. So as you read in this little op ed that I had written, that I think we are sitting, the Trump administration is sitting at a historical opportunity to really declare a moonshot that by changing, some of the misalignments, realigning the alignments between the doctor and the patients and the creating the savings that we can create, we

00;08;22;26 - 00;08;50;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

could target to eliminate the chronic conditions at the end of this decade, the very same way we eliminate the infectious diseases in the last century. It is doable. It will just take the, efforts of the agency or the visionaries such as Elon Musk, DOGE, you know, Mr. Kennedy, Jr, and redirecting our, our healthcare. We have some of the best doctors, if not the best doctors in the world.

00;08;50;07 - 00;08;56;11

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We have the best technology. All we have to do is to redirect our efforts from a secure to a health care.

00;08;56;18 - 00;09;12;15

Cary Hall

So talk a, you read something to me on the way over here. When I picked you up at the hotel and brought you over, and we were in my truck this morning, and that was the piece that you read to me about longevity and what it would look like if this actually gets put in place, it's going to save it till the end of the show.

00;09;12;15 - 00;09;27;01

Cary Hall

But I can't. I mean, I want you because you just set this up and I want people to hear this. Now we're going to go to break here in about 15 seconds. So when we come back from the break. I'm going to ask the doctor to connect the dots. Now. He told you about the moonshot. He told you about what can be done.

00;09;27;08 - 00;09;50;19

Cary Hall

I'm sitting here with three pages of executive orders, suggestions that Doctor Firouz Daneshgari wrote for the Trump administration, that he submitted to to Elon Musk on X where he asked for these things. Okay. So we're going to talk about this when I come back from the break. Stay tuned. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network coast to coast across the USA.

00;09;50;19 - 00;09;53;20

Cary Hall

I'll be right back with more.

00;09;53;23 - 00;10;24;19

Steve Kuker

On the golden rule. Treat others is you want to be treated. I'm Steve Kuker, and this is one of the founding principles of my firm, Senior Care Consulting. Since 2002, our value statement has included honor our mother and father. Respect our elders. Care for those in need, and treat your family as our own. We've been honored to help hundreds of families make one of the most difficult decisions they could ever make.

00;10;24;24 - 00;11;00;04

Steve Kuker

Serving them in their greatest time of need. If you're looking for someone who can provide you experienced and objective guidance when searching for a senior care community, reach out today and discover the services of Senior Care Consulting at 913-945-2800. Know your options and choose with care at SeniorCareConsulting.com.

00;11;00;06 - 00;11;20;17

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. My guest in studio with me, Doctor Firouz Daneshgari. I pronounced it correctly that time. By the way, if you want to learn more about Bowtie Medical and this partnership with the Detego, I urge you to go to sales@bowtiemedical.com.

00;11;20;17 - 00;11;22;07

Cary Hall

Pretty easy. The phone number is

00;11;22;07 - 00;11;27;22

Cary Hall


00;11;27;25 - 00;11;47;26

Cary Hall

Here's what's going on in the second show we're going to do today. We're going to talk about the solution and what what Doctor Daneshgari has put together with us at Detego to create a very affordable health insurance plan for employers. It is going to be significantly different, and it's going to incorporate the things in it that we're talking about on this show today.

00;11;47;26 - 00;12;01;27

Cary Hall

So I want you to read that piece, which I promised you we'd save till the end of the show, but I can't because it's just too good. So this is like connecting the dots. And here's what could happen if we actually do the moonshot doctor.

00;12;01;29 - 00;12;31;12

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So the genesis of this piece, Cary is, I gave artificial intelligence, the A.I. a set of parameters. I said, play with me. Tell me what would happen to our longevity, to our, quality of life if diabetes is reduced, is cardiovascular, is eliminated. If obesity is reduced, from the age of 5 to 10, you know, from the beginning and so forth.

00;12;31;14 - 00;12;39;18

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And this is what the AI, produced, it said, the predictions you referenced. So I referenced.

00;12;39;20 - 00;12;41;03

Cary Hall

The ones you wote up. Yes.

00;12;41;09 - 00;13;21;13

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Suggests that humanity may soon reach a point where life expectancy increases by more than one year for each calendar year. This concept aligns with advancements in medical technology, genetics, and preventive health care. The concept of the Bowtie Health guardianship, which are driving significant improvement in health outcomes, for example, rapid development in biotechnology, AI driven health monitoring. What that means that we can have sensors on our body that will basically send our biometric health signals, my heart rate, my EKG and so forth on a minute to minute daily basis.

00;13;21;13 - 00;13;57;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So tells where I have to do something or I shouldn't be doing something. And innovative technology could greatly enhanced longevity and quality of life. Some experts believe this progress could lead to a phenomenon called Longevity Escape Velocity means basically get velocity through this. Yeah, where medical advancements outpace aging itself, although achieving immortality remains unlikely. So we are not tackling immortality,

00;13;57;29 - 00;14;23;26

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

But I think the moonshot that, President Trump has the opportunity to bring together, I would propose that by elimination of the chronic conditions or making a huge dent in them, by the end of this decade, our life expectancy will increase to a minimum of 100 year per person. And you can you imagine that all of us are as productive and as vibrant in our 70s and 80s?

00;14;24;03 - 00;14;32;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

What would that do to the economy? What would that do to the rest of the discoveries that we can make to make the life better and make life better on this earth?

00;14;32;20 - 00;14;51;19

Cary Hall

Yeah, it would be quite remarkable. I mean, I'm 75 years old, doctor, and, you know, I have no intention of slowing down or quitting. I love what I do. I love this work I do here on the radio. I love the work I do at Detego, with my two partners, Rich Halderman and Alan Wilson. And so I certainly understand that sentiment.

00;14;51;19 - 00;15;12;00

Cary Hall

And I think, you know, I think there's a tremendous opportunity here for this country to move forward in a very different way than anything we've done in the past, which means not creating another government bureaucracy like the one that was created with Obamacare. Okay. It means refocusing these pieces on on what's going to work and what's going to drive down costs.

00;15;12;00 - 00;15;21;22

Cary Hall

So let's talk a little bit about that. Empowering individuals, employers and consumers to control health care spending. This is talked about a lot. But listen to what doctor has to say here.

00;15;21;22 - 00;15;48;13

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So this could be done with a two pronged approach. One is to, realign the misalignments. The first thing first is to empower the individuals to control basically their health care spending and their decisions. So a very direct relationship between the consumer and the provider, between the patient and the doctor. And for this to happen, there has to be a transparent and accurate pricing.

00;15;48;13 - 00;16;12;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And information currently doesn't exist today. So so the first thing first is to empower the part of the, premiums and part of the subsidies to be paid directly to the doctors, by the consumer, by the patient is called the direct pay. And the primary care is called direct primary care. So you come to me, I'm the primary care.

00;16;12;15 - 00;16;34;25

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

You come to me and pay me $100 less than $100 per month, and I become your agent. I become your doctor. I'm available to 24 over seven. No longer. I work for the hospital, so my eyes are not on how much revenue I generate for the hospital, therefore how much bonuses I get from there. My eyes becomes how can I basically help you and your family?

00;16;34;25 - 00;16;55;11

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So that is called the direct primary care. And the data on this science has shown that will reduce unnecessary care. Go into the emergency room to the urgent care and most importantly, now I have time rather than seeing 50 or 60 patients a day, because that is how the typical doctor does now. They spend less than five minutes with the patient.

00;16;55;13 - 00;17;17;14

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Now I have time. As much as you need to spend time to figure out why you're gaining weight, why you're if you have diabetes, why your diabetes is out of control, and more importantly, how can I come inside your, frankly in your living environment to see how I can eliminate the sources of this chronic conditions among your children and your grandchildren.

00;17;17;21 - 00;17;45;18

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So, as you know, that's why we call it the Bowtie. You know, the risk of obesity and diabetes is the “knot” of the bow tie. We can wait for it to happen, deal with the consequences, or say, no, the risks are real. We are going to put risk mitigation, elements in place, monitoring your health, monitoring your calorie intake and many other technological advance meant to really eliminate the possibility of your grandchildren and your children to ever get diabetes and obesity.

00;17;45;22 - 00;18;13;04

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

That is the concept of the direct pay, the expansion of the direct pay to a specialty. Is there a lot of innovative companies? Smith medical is one of them that if you need to have an eye surgery, knee surgery and so forth. Again, as a consumer you can go and pay directly what that eliminates that eliminates all the fraud and abuse from the billing process, the billing process that the insurance companies and the hospital they keep basically advancing.

00;18;13;09 - 00;18;35;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

To our dismay. So the first thing first is to shift the flow of the money from going through the pockets of the insurance companies to the hands of the consumer. Direct pay. And the consumer can go and say, if you're my doctor, I say, Cary, you're not doing a good job. I'm going to go to David because he's doing a better job.

00;18;35;19 - 00;18;42;28

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So is it very much like when the consumer plays a direct role in any part of the market brings efficiency.

00;18;43;00 - 00;19;03;19

Cary Hall

So it's all of that makes perfect sense. And people are out there listening, but I don't want to have to pay for a hip surgery. What do you mean? I'm going to have to write a check and pay. You're not saying that. Explain. No, you're you're looking at something like an HSA model or an HRA model where they're funded, but they have control of the money.

00;19;03;19 - 00;19;23;23

Cary Hall

And that's what we're talking about here, giving you the control. That model that he just talked about is for you to get control through an HRA, through an HSA account, whatever the case may be, to put together a program that works for you where you control your own destiny. We'll be right back. After the break. We're going to continue this fascinating conversation with doctor here in studio.

00;19;23;24 - 00;19;34;16

Cary Hall

Stay tuned. The doctors in the House.

00;19;34;19 - 00;19;53;19

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show, broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. My producer is Mr. Darren Wilhite, behind the microphones. Mr. Dave Thiessen behind all the cameras. Who edits these and puts all of these up on the podcast platforms and on YouTube, where a lot of you are watching. In studio with me, Doctor Firouz Daneshgari.

00;19;53;22 - 00;20;15;07

Cary Hall

He is the founder and CEO of Bowtie Medical. We are talking about how to change the system. We are talking about. Could this be a moonshot opportunity for the Trump administration to go in and realign the system? I want to point something out. We're not suggesting that Obamacare get eliminated. We're not suggesting Medicare get eliminated. We're not suggesting anything like that.

00;20;15;07 - 00;20;39;04

Cary Hall

What we are saying is the dollars that we are throwing at these plans are $100 billion in waste in 2023 just for Medicare. If that could be efficiently put to work, the fraud, the waste and the system that we have that impugn people's ability to do anything in terms of controlling their own destiny, it just doesn't work. So what we're talking about now is changing that.

00;20;39;04 - 00;20;57;14

Cary Hall

And how would that get changed? And that's what doctor is here talking about today. And clearly he is an expert at this, which is one of the reasons why I wanted to have him on. So let's go back to this direct primary care and what we're saying here in terms of how that would function when someone who's paying for it, how does it work, doctor.

00;20;57;17 - 00;21;17;06

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Well Cary, you summarize it very, very nicely. You know, the aim of this is to create an efficiency issue within our wonderful health care system. I want to repeat, we have the best doctors. We have the technology. The system is just misaligned. The water is going to the waste rather than going to growing the crop in a simple term.

00;21;17;09 - 00;21;40;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the concept is actually if we do this, I would propose as a part of the moonshot, not only we will, kill the chronic conditions in this country, we would be able to provide universal coverage because the amount of the waste in the system is but half of it about $2 trillion. And I don't want to spend the time to go through the calculations.

00;21;40;15 - 00;22;05;06

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

But we do have enough money, actually, through this process to create universal coverage. It is the waste that is causing all this problem. So the first step is to redirect it and really redefine the concept of the insurance. The, the money that has to be paid for the primary care is controlled and paid by the members consumers themselves.

00;22;05;06 - 00;22;28;05

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Therefore the doctors becomes their agent. So I now my job as a doctor, your doctor becomes I'm going to focus on you and see how I can keep you healthy. Right, right. So then the next level is when you do need some specialty care. Again, like very much like the good old family doctor, my job becomes find the best specialist for you at the best price.

00;22;28;08 - 00;22;46;10

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And that is the second part comes in at the best price, meaning that again you can go and pay to the orthopedic surgeon, ophthalmologist or whoever. Here it is. This is the cost. And there are this innovative direct specialty payments are exploding in the country.

00;22;46;13 - 00;23;04;21

Cary Hall

So what would happen here is you would have the money, you would have coverage under your under a health insurance program, an HSA or an HRA account where the money goes into the account. Now, the idea of universal coverage, that's the first time I've heard doctors say that. And I think it's fascinating that that would eliminate this whole issue of Medicare for all.

00;23;04;21 - 00;23;25;09

Cary Hall

It would change the way the system works. The question is going to be, doctor, how much pushback are we going to get from bureaucrats in Washington and lobbyists for the insurance carriers? But this is the last damn thing they want to happen, because all of that money that's being spent, United Healthcare stock is $646 a share this morning.

00;23;25;12 - 00;23;47;00

Cary Hall

You know, five years ago, it was, 100, $258 a share. Look, they're in business to make money and run a company is listed on Wall Street. I get that, but the problem is that you have all these hoops people have to jump through. And all this frustration that you see with people. And in dealing with this health care system, pre search to get surgery you have to wait.

00;23;47;00 - 00;24;06;06

Cary Hall

I've got a friend who needed a hip replacement. Six weeks of primary of going to physical therapy before they would allow him to get a hip replacement. He could barely walk. He was in such pain. This is ridiculous. If it so you listen to what doctors saying. If you control your own destiny, you're not going to wait six weeks.

00;24;06;11 - 00;24;16;27

Cary Hall

You're going to go to the to the to your to your doctor. Okay? And you're going to say, I've got to get this surgery done. Send me to the best orthopedic surgeon who does this. And that's how it would work, right?

00;24;17;01 - 00;24;43;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And correct. Going back again to direct pay, the direct consumer control of the money. Right. We live in a capitalistic society. It will bring the efficiency. So this could be easily done by expansion of one of the executive orders that, President Trump did in the past. And that's called the price transparency law to, allow all the providers to accept, the direct pay.

00;24;43;25 - 00;25;04;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The second part of this becomes when this shift in the payment has happened, then the construction of the sick care and reconstruction of the health care will begin. And what I mean by that currently, because the way it is that the doctors they because they don't have time, they don't have they have to see 50 or 60 patients a day.

00;25;04;15 - 00;25;28;27

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The average time a doctor spends with the patient, the US is less than five minutes, right? Now they have time based on their expertise to start exploring and problem solving. And that is where this transformation of the sick care to health care will happen. So I'm going to focus on risk mitigating your health risk or my other patient's risks, to how to prevent, the chronic condition.

00;25;28;27 - 00;25;55;05

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And that is where the use of the technology home monitoring devices, all the, you know, wearables that come will come to a place where I as your primary care. All right. I, as the guardian of your health, have full time visibility to to you, to your health. I use the example of the air tower control. The air tower control job is to monitor the risk portfolio of the airplanes going across.

00;25;55;10 - 00;26;17;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Right. And that is how this transformation, will take place. And that's how the true role of the preventive measures, could, could play a role. You ask the question of, are we going to get a lot of pushback? You bet we are. We are going to get the pushback from the American Hospital Association. We are going to get pushback from lobbying for the insurance companies.

00;26;17;21 - 00;26;40;25

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

But that is where the magic of the new era we are in. This is President Trump, who's come to power, says, I don't care about every basically incumbency that there is. I'm going to do what is good for America. And he has shown in the short few weeks that he means what he says. So he has brought Elon Musk and Vivek to create the Department of Government Efficiency.

00;26;40;27 - 00;27;06;01

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And I'll bet one of the biggest inefficiencies the government is the health care. I looked up the numbers, the federal government budget is about $6.9 trillion. About 25% of that close to 2 trillion are spent on mandated, basically health care issues. The Medicare, Medicaid, and so forth. So he has, appointed Mr. Kennedy junior, to run the HHS.

00;27;06;01 - 00;27;28;27

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And they said your job is to reduce the chronic conditions. And this conversion of the payment methods, from the insurance to direct pay, is going to complement Mr. Kennedy's efforts in improving the food sources and so forth. So going back to the original question you asked, yes, we are going to have a lot of opposition, but that is the beauty of this country.

00;27;28;27 - 00;27;36;27

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

As Churchill says, Americans finally find the right way after just tried everything else. And now to move.

00;27;37;00 - 00;27;37;22

Cary Hall

Tried everything.

00;27;37;22 - 00;27;59;28

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Else. To me, the time historical time is there. We have a president in place. We have the, people around him. We have ideas that we have presented here. And, you know, and frankly, going back to the elements of democracy, as you know, DOGE, Department of Government Efficiency is asking citizens, give us ideas and come in and start working with us.

00;28;00;02 - 00;28;10;08

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And that's why I have taken the liberty of, you know, writing down some of these, comments, that how we can move this, process forward?

00;28;10;15 - 00;28;30;04

Cary Hall

Yeah. There are three pages here. Okay. If you don't think this man knows how to put his words into action, think again. There are three pages here of suggestions for executive orders for President Trump. And I hope that someone in his campaign, in his staff, in his transition staff, is listening to this and is paying attention to what?

00;28;30;07 - 00;28;41;13

Cary Hall

To what doctors say, how important, because this is one of the huge problems right now. We got about a minute left. How important is transparency in this from the hospitals and from the carriers?

00;28;41;15 - 00;29;08;22

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Hundred percent. If you want to bring efficiency into a market, you have to have what the economists call symmetry of information means the buyer and the seller has to have equal access to the same information. That's why as part of this, intermediation, this problem of dysfunctionality that exists, that the prices are hidden between the insurance companies and the providers, you know, for everything for a single diagnosis.

00;29;08;22 - 00;29;31;16

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

If you and I walk with the exact same diagnosis, God forbid, then you and I have pneumonia, the lung. If you go to the same hospital, depending on your card, you will pay a different price than I would pay for the same treatment, the same treatment. But there are 50 levels of the payments for every diagnosis. And this is called the price opaqueness, not transparency.

00;29;31;18 - 00;29;52;04

Cary Hall

And supposedly, you know, there was an act to change that, but not really. We'll be right back after the break. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate here, broadcasting on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across the USA. Stay tuned, because we've got more. By the way, if you want information on Bowtie: sales@BowtieMedical.com thats sales@bowtiemedical.com.

00;29;52;07 - 00;30;02;18

Cary Hall

If you're a broker you need to take a look at this. If you're an employer you need to take a look at it. We'll be right back after the break.

00;30;02;20 - 00;30;22;20

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. Remember what I said? All these shows are posted on 15 podcast platform, Spotify, SoundCloud, you name it, we're on it. And our YouTube channel, AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com. You want to tell somebody about this? Share this information. That's a great way to do it.

00;30;22;22 - 00;30;40;12

Cary Hall

So I welcome back to the studio with Doctor Firouz Daneshgari and, and our conversation about national health care. You're listening to this and probably saying to yourself, yeah, that all sounds good, but nobody could really do that. Well, I have a little surprise for you. So there's a company called QuikTrip if you live in the Midwest or in Texas, Oklahoma.

00;30;40;12 - 00;31;07;04

Cary Hall

You know who QuikTrip is? They're like the best deluxe version of 7-Eleven that ever came along. Okay? They've got fabulous stores, have actual kitchens in the stores. They prepare food and they sell gasoline, diesel fuel and all the rest of it. Here's what's interesting. About ten years ago, when I was working in Tulsa, Oklahoma, doing radio, I was invited to their facility to meet with their human resource director, who actually had listened to my show, and he took me through their whole system.

00;31;07;08 - 00;31;26;02

Cary Hall

And this is what they did. They were spending a fortune on health insurance. And so they decided they were going to try something completely different. They found a company that set up primary care clinics. They went and set up primary care clinics in all of the states, cities, towns where they do business. Their people have direct access to primary care.

00;31;26;04 - 00;31;52;08

Cary Hall

They pay nothing. They pay nothing for this, okay? It's covered under their plan. They have access for themselves. Access for their for their families, the whole nine yards, their walk in clinics or appointment clinics. And they refer them out if they need surgery or whatever the case may be. Here's what's interesting. They eliminated their health insurance cost, completely, eliminated it, and have been able to keep their their costs moving forward right around 2 to 3% a year.

00;31;52;10 - 00;32;11;20

Cary Hall

And they offer benefits that are far better than what you typically see in a plan. They're about equal to what you see in the federal government. And union plans for the benefits are just insanely rich. It's the same thing there, except they're not buying health insurance. They, Qwiktrip, took it upon themselves to set up the claims fund. Do it, manage it, and it works.

00;32;11;23 - 00;32;29;18

Cary Hall

So believe me, this can happen. It's happening in certain places. It's happening with the Pareto Contrarian Recaptive of the Berkshire Captive that there are other captives that are doing these kind of work and it works, but it's going to require a huge shift in the system. And that's what doctor's talking about. Doctor.

00;32;29;18 - 00;33;03;10

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Yes. I'm glad. So what you mentioned actually is a part of this whole, concept. I'm not, in detail familiar with the QuikTrip, but a part of our proposal to the Trump administration is reactivate the concept of the associations of health care. What that means means employers, large or small, they can get together, and basically, they control the destiny of their health care benefits for their employees by providing self-insured products and by facilitating direct pay to the primary care.

00;33;03;10 - 00;33;29;28

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So the employees have access to, primary care 24 over seven. And if I may say, with the advancement of the virtual models now, the primary care very much like we do it at the Bowtie, you can deliver the, we can deliver the primary care virtually in all 50 states 24/7. So that will eliminate the issues of the medical deserts, you know, the rural shortages of the doctors and so forth.

00;33;30;00 - 00;34;07;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

But putting this in the summary based on this, discussion is that we have had we have, again, historical time, with, Trump administration in coming to power to foster free market competition by empowering individuals, basically to control their health care spending, to expand the direct primary care, either virtual or in person, and, transparency to improve basically the access and affordability 24/7 to redirect the resources from sick care to prevention, to a true health care.

00;34;07;26 - 00;34;35;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And that would eliminate and reduce the amount of the chronic conditions. And by savings that we generate, we can again, can you imagine what we can do with $2 trillion saving in health care to redirect our focus of scientific discoveries on prolonging life and elimination of the, diseases. Currently, we are spending 75 to 80% of our spending on managing the chronic conditions.

00;34;35;10 - 00;35;07;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

When we do this, when we do this shift from the secure to the health care, from the right side of the bow tie to the left side of the bow tie, significant amount of the resources will be released. So these are the, the kind of the overall, concepts that we are very excited that the Trump administration will take due the executive orders on the associations of the health care, expand the price transparency law to allow direct pay to primary care, and especially take care.

00;35;08;02 - 00;35;17;08

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And this will really bring the insurance to what the true insurance has to be for unexpected, catastrophic causes.

00;35;17;10 - 00;35;35;20

Cary Hall

Thank you. And thank you again for coming in here, flying in here and doing this again today. You know, I, I asked doctor to come back in here after the last two shows we did, especially after the election, the results in election because he is connected. And information from him is flowing into the administration if they choose to take it, we hope they do.

00;35;35;22 - 00;36;02;06

Cary Hall

But having said that, I think regardless of where you're at politically, this is not a left, right, Republican or Democrat, libertarian issue. This is an issue of you. So imagine that if we could save $2 trillion and provide universal healthcare, which is what a lot of people in this country want, but universal health care controlled by the consumer, not controlled by the federal government, meaning free market competition.

00;36;02;06 - 00;36;23;13

Cary Hall

And I'll give you an example. There's a surgical center called the Oklahoma Surgical Center. It is one of the most proficient, well rated outstanding centers in the country. If you go up on their website, every thing they do there is listed with the hip replacement. Here's the cost. Knee replacement, here's the cost elbow replacement. Here's the cost. Spinal surgery.

00;36;23;20 - 00;36;45;15

Cary Hall

It's all there. Simple black and white. Total transparency. There's no middleman. There's no shell game. There's none of that okay. This model can work and we have an opportunity now. We have an opportunity with this administration to make that work. And I'm urging you to have an open mind to this and understand that we have to fix this system because it's broken.

00;36;45;17 - 00;37;05;09

Cary Hall

It's broken, and we keep throwing money at it and we keep not solving the problem. Obamacare didn't solve it. Medicare doesn't solve it. Part D prescription drugs didn't solve it. None of that solved it. All we're doing is shoveling more money out the door and getting absolutely nothing in return for it. As Doctor said, you think about that. You're putting all your money into this program.

00;37;05;09 - 00;37;29;16

Cary Hall

But what are you getting back from it? Is this how you buy a car? Is this how you buy a television there? You can't look at something and understand what you're going to pay and how you're going to do it. And that's what this does it. We're not saying this falls on the consumer. We're saying that money comes out of the health insurance plans like the HRA plans, health reimbursement accounts and the HSA accounts where there's money, they're provided by the employer and the carrier.

00;37;29;18 - 00;37;48;11

Cary Hall

Okay. And it's up to you to decide how you want to spend it and be incentivized to do it in a smart way. That's what we're talking about, and I hope you all can understand that and understand why. I think it's important that we did this show today. And I thank you all for listening. And once again, I thank you and your schedule with all you've got going on to come in here and do these shows.

00;37;48;11 - 00;37;50;05

Cary Hall

So thank you once again, doctor.

00;37;50;05 - 00;37;55;13

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Thank you, Carry. This was, an honor and pleasure. And truly we are standing as a historical time.

00;37;55;20 - 00;38;16;01

Cary Hall

And now I leave you this thought from Doctor Albert Einstein, the one who follows the crowd. They usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been. I think that quote applies to doctor. If there ever was a person, it's not following the crowd. Thank you for listening to America's Healthcare Advocates broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network.

00;38;16;08 - 00;38;25;29

Cary Hall

Coast to coast across the USA. Goodbye America.

00;38;26;01 - 00;38;26;05

Cary Hall

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