Cary Hall, America’s Healthcare Advocate
Our Spring 2023 Pilates Show with certified Pilates instructor Dana Goodale owner of Whole Body Pilates tells us all why it's time to get off the couch, put down the potato chips and head to the gyms!
Let's get in shape for summer so we can enjoy our time with friends and family. Dana reminds us the body in motion stays in motion to help you achieve better posture; strong, long, and lean muscles and improve your health. The benefits of Pilates are numerous but include improved posture, better balance, increased strength, reduced injury risk, enhanced core, improved flexibility, boosted mood and greater stamina. The practice of pilates also offers a foundation for a strong mind body connection.
Show Transcript:
00;00;01;16 - 00;00;05;24
And now America's Healthcare Advocate, Cary Hall.
00;00;05;24 - 00;01;12;29
Cary Hall
Hello, America. Welcome to America's Healthcare Advocate show. Broadcasting coast to coast across the USA, our producer, Mr. Darren Wilhite. I'm your host, Cary Hall. This is your show, America. Thank you for joining us and making us one of the most listened to talk shows throughout the United States. You can follow me on Facebook. You can also do that on Twitter at America's Healthcare Advocate. And we are on 12 podcast platforms and 88,189. If you download a podcast the last 28 days, we're pretty excited about that. Those podcast platforms are Pocket Casts, Speaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RSS Feed Podcast, TuneIn Podcast, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Overcast, Pandora, and Amazon Music. We're on every one of them. If there's one out there we're not on, reach out to us to let us know. Also on YouTube, we had 192600 minutes of YouTube the last time we checked. So the show is growing. We're getting a lot of coverage on the we're still continuing to do all of our terrestrial radio. We still have our network across the country, but YouTube and the podcast platforms becoming more and more important.
00;01;13;08 - 00;01;35;07
Cary Hall
So if you are looking for Medicare, if you're chronologically challenged, you're trying to find a medicare policy, whether it's a medicare Advantage or Medicare supplement, give the lovely Carolee Steele or Joyce Thompson a call and RPS Benefits by Design. 913 385 2224 They can help you anywhere in the country. I don't care where you're at, you can be in Alaska and they can write you a medicare policy.
00;01;35;07 - 00;02;22;06
Cary Hall
So 913 385 2224 And if you happen to be one of those people on the Humana Group Health Insurance policy and you are losing your health insurance, they are going out of the market. The time to make that move is now because there are carriers out there that are offering incentives that are allowing you to move over. If you've got money in the deductible plan, you can transfer that over. They're also guaranteeing rates all the way through to 2024. So that's that's pretty important if you're looking for something like that. Once again, they can help you. Maria Ahlers would be happy to help you or Jim Lodge. RPS Benefits by Design 913 385 2224. Joining me in studio once again, Dana Goodale from Whole Body Pilates. Welcome back.
00;02;22;09 - 00;02;23;04
Dana Goodall
Thank you.
00;02;23;05 - 00;02;27;00
Cary Hall
I think this is our 10th, the 11th, 12th. How many years we've been doing this?
00;02;27;02 - 00;02;28;26
Dana Goodall
Several years.
00;02;28;27 - 00;02;33;01
Cary Hall
I mean, I've been going to Dana, I think, for at least ten, 12 years.
00;02;33;07 - 00;02;34;18
Dana Goodall
At least 12, 12 years.
00;02;34;18 - 00;02;53;01
Cary Hall
So. Well, what is this show today? This is our annual it's spring. We're going into summer here shortly. It's get off the couch, put down the potato chips and the beer and let's get in shape. Now, if you're in California or you're in Florida, you probably don't have to worry about that because you've been in you've been out exercising all year.
00;02;53;01 - 00;03;09;25
Cary Hall
But for those of us here in the Midwest, the upper Midwest and the South, it has been kind of a difficult winter for a lot of folks. And that's why we do this show of years to get people moving and get them get them motivated. So, Dana, let's just talk about that. Sure. You know, what do you say?
00;03;09;25 - 00;03;11;27
Cary Hall
You say body in motion. What is.
00;03;11;27 - 00;03;13;10
Dana Goodall
The body in motion stays in motion.
00;03;13;10 - 00;03;19;01
Cary Hall
There you go. Body in motion stays in motion. So what do you mean by that when you say that.
00;03;19;14 - 00;03;34;02
Dana Goodall
Once you start moving, it's always rough. Everyone has a little bit of a difficult go to get moving. But once you start the moving, it actually feels good and your going to release endorphins and you're going to keep going. And that's the biggest thing is just to get started.
00;03;34;08 - 00;03;38;10
Cary Hall
So it's it's basically what you're saying is you need to establish a habit.
00;03;38;10 - 00;03;39;09
Dana Goodall
Exactly. Yes.
00;03;39;09 - 00;04;01;06
Cary Hall
Yeah. And, you know, a lot of folks I mean, if you lived in Buffalo this year, God only knows if you ever got out of the house. You had 15 feet of snow over your home. But so. So yeah. And if you didn't get into a gym or whatever, you know, you start to become more motivated is as spring and summer come along, say, hey, you know, I want to put on a bathing suit and go to the beach or go to the lake or whatever I'm going to do.
00;04;01;06 - 00;04;09;03
Cary Hall
And yeah, you get a little more concerned with what you might look. So you but you've got to start. That's isn't that really what it comes down to?
00;04;09;05 - 00;04;35;02
Dana Goodall
Yes. The biggest thing is just to create a general healthy habit. I am a big fan of small habits and that they grow. So it can be as simple as walking 20 to 30 minutes a day. It can be as simple as like getting out of your chair every 10 minutes in the hour that you're in the office. Take a little lap, take a little stretch, but you got to move. It's really important. They always joke that sitting is the new smoking. So I heard. Get off here. Yeah.
00;04;35;02 - 00;04;36;08
Cary Hall
Is the new smoking.
00;04;36;08 - 00;04;38;18
Dana Goodall
Is time to get up Stand up.
00;04;38;19 - 00;04;56;11
Cary Hall
And again you know what's interesting here is, you know, you're not saying, hey, you got to go run a 5k or you got to get in shape to do a marathon. It's you start you start slow and you can start small. But again, we're back to you. Got to start. Yes. Yeah. And that seems to be a problem for a lot of folks.
00;04;56;17 - 00;05;19;11
Dana Goodall
It is also accountability. So I always say if you're a little uncomfortable in the gym or in a studio, then feel free to ask for help. Trainers are there specifically for that reason. Give them, you know, a few sessions to get you moveing. You can always ask them to write a program for you. They may charge you a little something, but it's a great way to get started. And you don't feel overwhelmed.
00;05;19;12 - 00;06;00;08
Cary Hall
Yeah, and Lorrie and I did it as a couple. We've done it for years, and I you know, I would joke with you as well today. Lorrie didn't want to come, but I said we got to go. And then we'd finish up and inevitably we get back in the car to head home. She goes, Yeah, I'm really glad we did that today. Or I would be the guy going, You know, I don't feel like this today. Maybe we should just pass on it. And she go, Now we need to go and then we'll be done. And I get back. You know, I'm really glad we did that. Yeah, it was like it never failed. You know, once we got there and we got it at your studio and we started doing, you know, our go through our whole routine of pilates and the rest of the stuff that we did. And you finish up on the by the time you left, you felt a lot better. Yeah. When you walked in the door.
00;06;00;08 - 00;06;10;25
Dana Goodall
Yeah. Any time you get your blood flowing, you always work those muscles out and it always feels much better. I always say, if you're in a bad mood, give me 10 minutes of exercise and you'll feel better.
00;06;10;25 - 00;06;48;26
Cary Hall
Yeah, that's really funny, because I find that sometimes, you know, with the work that I do here and other companies are involved in, you have a bad day, and by afternoon you're having a really bad day. And I found that if I shut it down, I have a gym in the house now. You're the one that set it all up with the pilates machine and everything. I find that if I go down to that gym and I do a workout for an hour and I come away, I have a different perspective. Yeah, I'm not nearly I've worked off a lot of that frustration and that and that... Im tense and all that. It kind of you know, it does it dissipate. That problem didn't necessarily go away but I feel differently about it.
00;06;48;26 - 00;06;51;14
Dana Goodall
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. A little easier to take on.
00;06;51;17 - 00;07;02;16
Cary Hall
Yeah. So again, I think it's important for people to understand that, you know, that's that's another benefit of getting involved, getting into an exercise program and sticking with an exercise program.
00;07;02;17 - 00;07;03;05
Dana Goodall
00;07;03;11 - 00;07;23;11
Cary Hall
And for those of us that are chronologically challenged, seasoned citizens. Yes, it's it well, it's for answering it. I saw an article, the other day and I can't read where I was reading this in one of the journals that said that if you're over 65 and you exercise on a regular basis, your life expectancy is something like 5 to 7 years greater.
00;07;23;18 - 00;07;23;29
Dana Goodall
00;07;24;07 - 00;07;25;21
Cary Hall
I was like, Seriously?
00;07;25;21 - 00;07;45;08
Dana Goodall
Yeah. Yeah. Well, you're reducing anxiety, you're keeping your joints lubricated. Hopefully you're holding on to some muscle mass, so which is harder as you get older. It just creates a healthier lifestyle. So if you can continue that on through your older years, then you're doing good.
00;07;45;14 - 00;07;46;24
Cary Hall
Yeah. And if you don't do it.
00;07;47;19 - 00;07;48;25
Dana Goodall
You might be hurting a little more.
00;07;48;25 - 00;08;23;06
Cary Hall
Well, it's the old use it or lose it. It really is. If you don't if you don't, you know, it's like the studio. There's three flights of stairs to get up here this morning. I've been up at least three times this morning. So I had no sort of cardio workout this morning doing this, but that but, you know, I'm 73 years old that I can still go up and down three flights of stairs three times. So it is use it or lose it. And the more sedentary you become, especially if you're, as I said, chronologically challenged, the harder it is to get back. So again, we're back to that. You got to start somewhere.
00;08;23;26 - 00;08;24;15
Dana Goodall
You got it.
00;08;24;23 - 00;08;30;00
Cary Hall
And unfortunately, I think a lot of people have trouble getting past that first piece of motivation.
00;08;30;01 - 00;08;33;00
Dana Goodall
Yeah, well, you have a workout, buddy, so that may help too.
00;08;33;01 - 00;09;10;10
Cary Hall
Yeah, that is in place at home. I mean, even at home, now that we've got a gym in the house, when I'm not coming to the studio, you know, she'll say, well, I'm going to work out today. And I'm like, Yeah, okay, I'm going to work out today too. And usually it's, well, I want to go first. Okay. So but the point is that there's a routine and we're doing it. Okay? And, you know, I try to do it three times a week. That's my goal. Sometimes I do a little more than that, but at a minimum, three times a week, and that's a full workout. So, you know, again, if you do it I remember you once said to me that, you know, you don't move like you're 70. This is a couple of years ago. Yeah. And I thought that's kind of I never heard anybody. That's an interesting comment. Yeah.
00;09;10;10 - 00;09;30;16
Dana Goodall
Our movement quality really ages us, so that's interesting. Yeah. So again, exercising past the age of 65, it will keep you young. It will keep your movement quality, like the way you walk, the way you carry yourself. Just your core stability will be stronger, so you'll be able to do more. And when you have that, well, yeah, you move and.
00;09;30;19 - 00;10;06;13
Cary Hall
Improve the Quality of life. When we come back from the break. We're going to start talking now about pilates and why this is. This is the program that I've been in, as Dana said, for the last 12 years. We're going to talk about why that works really well. What are the benefits of it and why is that better than going out and pounding the pavement and doing a two mile run or whatever the case may be? We'll chat about that when we get back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. If you want to find out more about Dana, go to the website. Whole Body Pilates KC dot com. Stay tuned. We've got more. We'll be right back.
00;10;07;04 - 00;11;05;22
Steve Kuker
The Golden rule, treat others as you want to be treated. I'm Steve Kuker and this is one of the founding principles of my firm, Senior Care Consulting. Since 2002, our value statement has included honor, our mother and father, respect our elders, care for those in need, and treat your family as our own. We've been honored to help hundreds of families make one of the most difficult decisions they could ever make, serving them in their greatest time of need. If you're looking for someone who can provide you experienced and objective guidance when searching for a senior care community, reach out today and discover the services of Senior Care Consulting at 913 945 2800. Know your options and choose with care at
00;11;08;16 - 00;11;44;10
Cary Hall
Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate Show broadcasting coast to coast across the U.S. on the HIA Radio Network. You can find out more about us by going to the website America's Healthcare Advocate dot com. You've got a question, You've got a comment. You've got something. You need help with send me an email. I'm happy to help you in any way that I can. It's America's Healthcare Advocate dot com. There's a section up there where you can email me, do that and I will get back to you with an answer and try to help you with anything. Again, in studio with me, Dana Goodell, she is the owner of Whole Body Pilates here in Kansas City. That website is
00;11;44;19 - 00;12;42;07
Cary Hall
If you're here in the Kansas City Metro and you want to learn a little more about Dana, what she does, she's been doing this a long time. She's a certified pilates instructor and she's been my instructor and my wife, Lauren’s, for 12 years. Does a great job. Phone number 816 456 3566. So it's funny, you know, during the holidays we all gain a little weight. I mean, it's you know, there's there's New Years and there's Christmas and Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving. And, you know, there's a lot of eating going on. I mean, you know, we went to to my daughter's house this year for for Thanksgiving. And I can't even count the number of dishes. It was insane what went on. Yeah, it was wonderful. We had a great time. I loved it. Okay. But and I was reading an article on this the other day. I think it was in the Times that in the winter, your body naturally tends to put on more weight because a winter like it's a physiological thing, it's a biological thing. I didn't realize that.
00;12;42;15 - 00;12;44;01
Dana Goodall
Our body wants to store right?
00;12;44;01 - 00;12;48;14
Cary Hall
And now come spring and summer, it's time to take some that stuff out of storage.
00;12;48;16 - 00;12;49;04
Dana Goodall
00;12;50;10 - 00;13;07;08
Cary Hall
So so talk a little bit about that and that. And, you know why there's that segway yet. You know, you people in California and Florida, you don't deal with this because you're out on the sunny beach and, you know, enjoying your weather. But the rest of us in the country, it's a little bit different for us. It is.
00;13;07;09 - 00;13;09;02
Cary Hall
Okay. So let's chat about that.
00;13;09;07 - 00;13;16;24
Dana Goodall
So I love I love being with my family and I love eating, too. That's not like I'm not telling you to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner at.
00;13;17;07 - 00;13;18;07
Cary Hall
All, not even because.
00;13;18;12 - 00;13;36;26
Dana Goodall
You should just enjoy it. Yeah, but the one thing I always love about my family is we always try to get moving on top of that. So, like, have Thanksgiving go for a walk. I always love like when friends get together and, like, just play touch football on Thanksgiving Day or find a movement or activity like in this area, like pickleball is taking over.
00;13;36;26 - 00;13;37;01
Dana Goodall
Oh, my.
00;13;37;01 - 00;13;37;10
Cary Hall
00;13;37;10 - 00;13;38;15
Dana Goodall
It's and it's.
00;13;38;15 - 00;13;46;10
Cary Hall
Just I was just telling Dave Thiessen, who does all of our photography and video work the other day about he goes pickleball. I said, Yeah, Dave, it's huge.
00;13;46;10 - 00;13;47;21
Dana Goodall
They know everybody's doing it.
00;13;47;21 - 00;13;51;03
Cary Hall
And especially the chronologically challenged season citizen community.
00;13;51;04 - 00;14;08;03
Dana Goodall
But like everyone can do it. So and I always it's the fact I joke that the family that works out together stays together. It gives you another activity to do so you just have to find what suits everyone and then kind of go with that. If it's a walk or pickleball or like I said, plays yoga, whatever you like.
00;14;08;26 - 00;14;12;23
Dana Goodall
I whenever you have that camaraderie, I think it's a lot more fun.
00;14;12;23 - 00;14;41;06
Cary Hall
It is. And, you know, and it's funny when you make it a family function. So, you know, I've got six grandchildren and, you know, I know that, you know, when when we're with them, we're constantly active. There's no there's no sitting down, there's something going on always, especially if, you know, up in Washington where it gets pretty cold, like, does here or, you know, here in Kansas, where our other daughter and grandchildren are, when the weather's good, though, people are out doing things. We were out.
00;14;41;09 - 00;14;42;04
Dana Goodall
00;14;42;04 - 00;14;57;17
Cary Hall
And it's fun. It's good to be together and it's good to be out again. That's all part of movement and exercise and all the rest of it. And that's really kind of what we're trying to tell people is, yeah, the stuff is you need to think about this is, this is really pretty important.
00;14;57;17 - 00;15;08;14
Dana Goodall
Yeah. And it's teaches the next generation to do the same thing and to continue that movement and continue that body moving. And that's what you really want to teach is the healthy lifestyle.
00;15;08;14 - 00;15;41;21
Cary Hall
You know, 60% of people maybe 70 now, 70% of people in this country are overweight. And of that, another 30 or 40% are morbidly obese. I mean, we have got a epidemic of type two diabetes, which is 100% curable. Okay. Without going on metformin and doing drugs and diet and exercise, you can roll back from type two diabetes and be and deal with it from it for the most part. Okay, that's not a universal statement. But this this is this, you know, is an ongoing thing.
00;15;41;25 - 00;15;42;07
Dana Goodall
00;15;42;15 - 00;15;45;01
Cary Hall
And it a lot of it has to do with her diet.
00;15;45;02 - 00;15;45;17
Dana Goodall
00;15;45;29 - 00;15;51;23
Cary Hall
And you coupled the diet of fast food and fatty foods with no exercise and what have you got.
00;15;51;25 - 00;15;54;15
Dana Goodall
You know, someone is not really living a healthy lifestyle.
00;15;54;19 - 00;15;59;12
Cary Hall
Yeah. And it's a ticking time bomb. Yeah. Because then that translates into health issues.
00;16;00;03 - 00;16;01;05
Dana Goodall
Yes, very much so.
00;16;01;07 - 00;16;15;13
Cary Hall
Yeah. So now you're talking about diabetes. You write about heart issues, you're talking about all these other things that happen. And the core of that stuff is pretty simple. Yeah, it's, you know, what you're eating or what you're not doing for the most part. So yeah, so accountability is kind of important.
00;16;16;01 - 00;16;27;20
Dana Goodall
Yes. Especially when you get started. It's huge. Like I said, that's why I go back to like if you need a trainer once or twice, or if you need to have a gym buddy or like if you just take your friend out for a walk.
00;16;27;20 - 00;16;30;16
Cary Hall
Signing up for a class. So you have someplace you have to be.
00;16;30;16 - 00;16;31;11
Dana Goodall
00;16;31;13 - 00;16;32;01
Cary Hall
Paid for.
00;16;32;02 - 00;16;43;24
Dana Goodall
Exactly. Yeah. When you are afraid to lose that ten bucks or 20 bucks or whatever it is, then yeah, you are little more motivated to be there. You want to make sure you're getting your money's worth. So definitely do that.
00;16;43;26 - 00;16;48;19
Cary Hall
And it's also a place for, you know, where people socialize. You meet people.
00;16;48;19 - 00;16;49;21
Dana Goodall
Exactly. Okay.
00;16;49;21 - 00;17;04;21
Cary Hall
Whether it's again, you know, whether it's seasoned citizens doing the SILVERSNEAKERS program, which is out there on all the Medicare Advantage plans almost in the country where you have access to the YMCA, a 24 Hour Fitness, Planet Fitness, Planet of the Apes, I don't know what.
00;17;04;28 - 00;17;06;02
Dana Goodall
So there are.
00;17;06;02 - 00;17;13;05
Cary Hall
All these different gyms that you have access to a lot of senior citizens do that also for the social element.
00;17;13;05 - 00;17;18;18
Dana Goodall
Exactly. Yeah. You do get to meet a new group of people and people who are trying to also have a healthy lifestyle.
00;17;18;23 - 00;17;41;17
Cary Hall
Yeah, So it's a it's a great way to kind of combine exercise with social activity if you're a retiree or, you know, again, I keep focusing on those of us that are chronologically challenged, as I like to say, but this applies to everybody. I mean, whether it's whether it's, you know, my grandkids going to the gym, you know, swimming classes or skating or they're meeting other kids are doing things.
00;17;41;17 - 00;17;44;27
Cary Hall
The same thing with my daughters and their husbands. The same deal, right?
00;17;44;29 - 00;17;51;05
Dana Goodall
Yeah, it's great to have work friends, but it's always nice to have other people outside of the work environment that you can talk to.
00;17;51;06 - 00;17;53;00
Cary Hall
So maybe we call those workout friends.
00;17;53;00 - 00;17;54;04
Dana Goodall
Maybe. Yeah. Okay.
00;17;55;07 - 00;18;24;28
Cary Hall
Crazy workout friends. So we could have workout friends. So. So we come back in the next segment We’ve got a little time yet. We're going to talk about pilates in detail. But the thing about pilates is that I've always found interesting. Again, especially as you age and I'm talking from like age 45 up, you know, when you're a runner. I was a runner for ever. You know, I ran competitively in ten K races. I never did a marathon, but I did all of that stuff and I really enjoyed it. Yeah, but it's.
00;18;24;28 - 00;18;25;22
Dana Goodall
Hard on your body.
00;18;25;23 - 00;18;28;23
Cary Hall
Okay, so talk a little bit about that big impact.
00;18;28;23 - 00;18;53;17
Dana Goodall
Sports are hard on your it's a lot of compression on your spine, your knees, your hips. And so I love people who can do it forever. That's great. But genetically, not everyone's built the same. So you're going to have some problems there with some of that. And those who run longer usually need more core work, more stability. Like I said, it's just a hard sport to get into.
00;18;53;27 - 00;18;59;25
Cary Hall
Well, they get into it. The problem is getting out of it and getting out of it. And before you start doing serious damage.
00;18;59;25 - 00;19;00;16
Dana Goodall
Yeah, it's.
00;19;00;18 - 00;19;08;21
Cary Hall
Specifically to your knees, your hips, you know, the spine thing didn't even occur to me. So that affects the spine too.
00;19;08;21 - 00;19;13;08
Dana Goodall
Yeah. Because of the constant pounding on that body, that kind of just gives a little much.
00;19;13;20 - 00;19;31;11
Cary Hall
So when we come back, we're going to talk about plot. And I'm going to contrast that now with how you get that same cardio on plots, believe it or not. Okay. And then we'll talk about muscle retention and then we'll talk about core, because that's the big thing that Dana talked about when we do Pilates. So we'll talk about why all that stuff is important.
00;19;31;11 - 00;19;53;12
Cary Hall
Stay tuned. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across the USA, her website,, phone number. If you're in the metro, 816 456 3566 stay tuned. We've got more right after the break.
00;19;53;12 - 00;20;15;14
Cary Hall
Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate Show broadcasting coast to coast across the U.S.. Hey, I'm going to hold this up because we're videoing these now. These are all the podcast platforms. There are 12 of them along with YouTube. We're on every one of them. So if you want to tell your husband, hey, you can listen to this show with Dana Goodell, she's going to talk to you about why we need to get off the couch and start going to the gym.
00;20;15;22 - 00;20;33;26
Cary Hall
This is where you might want to go. Listen, there are 12 podcast platforms, 88,000 of you listen to it in the last 28 days. That's a great place. To learn more about the show. We're listening to all the shows that we do in studio with me, Dana Goodell, my producer, Darren Wilhite. I'm your host, Cary Hall. We're talking about Pilates, We're talking about exercise.
00;20;34;17 - 00;21;34;07
Cary Hall
Then the studio is Whole Body Pilates here in Kansas City. It's That's her website or phone number 816 456 3566. So let's just start off with with Pilates and why, you know, we contrast the minute you go out and do a5k run or you go out and do you know, two miles or three miles. And as you start to get older, I'm not talking in your fifties and sixties people, I'm talking in your forties, late forties, running up to your fifties. You're going to start feeling that stuff because you're out there, you know, running on the concrete, asphalt, whatever it is. And you're you're pounding, you're you said spine, which I didn't even think of that. But your knees, your legs, your hips, all that talk about how you get that same level of cardio on the pilates, it's called the Cadillac On the Pilates Cadillac.
00;21;34;14 - 00;21;37;05
Dana Goodall
We have a Cadillac, which looks like a big bed.
00;21;39;16 - 00;21;41;14
Cary Hall
With a lot of different attachments on it.
00;21;41;14 - 00;22;06;10
Dana Goodall
Okay. But it's mostly spring based. So any time we add resistance, you are going to work harder. It takes the place of spring training. But also we can get the cardio effect by using things because it doesn't work against gravity. Any time you have the pull of gravity on your body, like there is a compression aspect and you have to kind of relieve that a bit in order to relax those joints.
00;22;06;13 - 00;22;12;08
Cary Hall
So the way this works is that there's like a little trampoline thing at the end of the.
00;22;12;08 - 00;22;13;08
Dana Goodall
Cardio trim and.
00;22;13;08 - 00;22;20;28
Cary Hall
You're laying flat, but you're bouncing off of this thing, right? Well, you can get you can get you get pretty good cardio workout.
00;22;20;28 - 00;22;36;22
Dana Goodall
Can the best part about it is instead of the shock absorption coming from your back or your spine, it's coming from your abdominals or abdominals have to brace and hold you, which create good core muscles so it's easier for your back. And to, like I said, to raise your heart rate and you're.
00;22;36;22 - 00;22;47;14
Cary Hall
Not pounding the hell out of your legs and your and your hips and your knees and all the rest of it. It's completely different the way it works. You got it. So talk. So let's let's get into this because you always talk about core.
00;22;47;16 - 00;22;47;26
Dana Goodall
00;22;47;27 - 00;22;52;03
Cary Hall
So what is core? Talk about what? Define that and tell people why that's important.
00;22;52;03 - 00;23;31;02
Dana Goodall
So core is much bigger than the abdominals. Everybody thinks it's abdominals and it is. That is a big aspect of it. But you're talking your shoulder girdle, you're talking your abdominals, you're talking to your back and your hip girdle. So everything within your torso is actually considered your core because every movement stems from there as, you know, your hips and your shoulders are ball and socket joints. So they just append into the core. And then we work outward pilates works from the torso, the core, and then out into the limbs like yoga. Yoga works from the limbs and to the core. It's just a different way of attack. But we have found that once you have a stronger core, the limbs move easier.
00;23;31;17 - 00;23;57;08
Cary Hall
Yeah. So in that core you're talking about like I frequently will ask you, why am I doing this exercise? What does this do? Well, because it's strengthening your back. I mean, I've been doing this 12 years and I still ask these questions. So there are specific things that you can do on a Pilates machine on this Cadillac that that designates specific parts of your body.
00;23;57;08 - 00;24;53;15
Dana Goodall
Yes. We also use another piece called The Reformer, but they're both fantastic. And the biggest the reason why we are so spine and abdominal oriented is your range of motion. As I told you before, you don't move like your age is. Spinal range of motion truly tells your age. So if you can like fold forward, have back extension, rotate side to side movement. These are the things that will keep you young. The second you start losing this mobility, you truly start to really age like you'll see people who are humped over and they can extend their spine or sit up straight. Everybody else just sit up a little taller in the room. And like again, that really creates your youth. And from there, if you remember, like when you were little, like you'll watch toddlers roll around on the floor, like it's nothing. Well, because their back is so mobile. But with that mobility, you have to have the strength to continue it, which comes from the abdominals, which really it's the work from the back.
00;24;53;27 - 00;25;30;03
Cary Hall
Yeah. And it's remarkable the effect that it has. Yeah, I would. Laurie, my wife's the one that got me involved in this. And for something like this, I was in the gym, I was lifting weights, I was doing cardio. That's the stuff I was doing. Yeah. And, and I've always been a gym rat. And but when I first started doing the city way back, I was like, Wow, this is different. Yeah, okay. I mean, it really is different. And, you know, I can tell you that when you're done with it, you really do feel the effects of it. You really can tell that you've seen by the time I get out of the car after I drive home and get out, I'm like, Yeah, we just had a workout.
00;25;30;13 - 00;25;31;08
Dana Goodall
00;25;31;16 - 00;26;01;17
Cary Hall
I can tell I just worked out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You have a pretty good idea. You did something talk about because it's the other thing. Muscle mass and retention. This is a big deal as you age. Okay? And I, again, you know, age 45 men, it starts to decline. And the same thing applies to women. It starts a little earlier in women. So talk about that and why this muscle mass is such an important issue and how Pilates this isn't lifting weights. Okay. This is using the reformer. Talk about that.
00;26;01;26 - 00;26;51;10
Dana Goodall
Well, the biggest thing is it still resists in space. And any time you use a resistance base, it's considered strength training. So that's what we're looking for. The hardest thing about lifting weights as we age is it wears and tears on our joints, which some people will tell you like, oh, that just hurts. Well, that's because we've overused the joint and we need to be delicate with those. So if we can find a resistance, it should. We use bands and springs and all kinds of different tools to make that happen. You're still getting the muscle to fire, which is what we want, because we want the muscle strength to stay and build. But we're not damaging the joints. Some people will tell me, you know, I was sore or I wasn't sore and I was surprised and that's fine If you're not sore, it just means the fact that we didn't rip the muscle to create more muscle, which is totally great. Like people are like, Well, aren't I supposed to be sore?
00;26;51;21 - 00;26;54;02
Cary Hall
Well, that's not weightlifting. That's what weightlifting.
00;26;54;02 - 00;27;07;00
Dana Goodall
Does. Exactly. It rips your muscle to make it bigger. We're pilates doesn't necessarily do that. We can, but we try to more activate the muscle in a deeper sense to give you that muscle mass and that strength.
00;27;07;06 - 00;27;10;08
Cary Hall
And back to the it's less wear and tear.
00;27;10;08 - 00;27;11;12
Dana Goodall
On your joints. Right.
00;27;11;14 - 00;27;39;14
Cary Hall
And then you can do as much as I mean, you can you can make it as difficult as you want to and do as much as you want to do. Yeah, it has it. You can certainly tell that it has the effect. Yes. So it's amazing that, you know, you've got core, you've got muscle. What are some of the other things that that when you talk about pilates that that are that are beneficial in terms of the using the reformer and using the Cadillac.
00;27;39;29 - 00;27;42;25
Dana Goodall
The machines help you you can't can you can't cheat.
00;27;44;19 - 00;27;46;27
Cary Hall
There's there's a lot of truth in that. Okay.
00;27;47;03 - 00;28;00;07
Dana Goodall
I know it's harder to cheat. Yeah. There's also pilates mat classes and most gyms, those are more core based versus land based, which are great, but those were actually designed as a maintenance program to the machines where you.
00;28;00;07 - 00;28;00;23
Cary Hall
Teach those.
00;28;00;23 - 00;28;02;20
Dana Goodall
Class. I do have I do.
00;28;02;24 - 00;28;04;21
Cary Hall
A series of those classes available.
00;28;04;21 - 00;28;22;08
Dana Goodall
And but like I said, it's harder to cheat on the machines because it does allow you to find the motion before you take it to the floor. And that's why we really like it. And I, I find it to be a more well-rounded workout, more full body versus the mat that is just core based. Yeah.
00;28;22;08 - 00;28;31;04
Cary Hall
So the way it works for us is, you know, I do the reformer and then and then we do we get on the Cadillac and then you hang me.
00;28;31;04 - 00;28;31;22
Dana Goodall
I do.
00;28;31;22 - 00;28;50;01
Cary Hall
Yeah. Yeah. And we, we also do that we also do that back exercise and where we talk a little bit about that because that really for me yeah you're, you're standing behind me and you're pushing against me as we're doing your thing and it makes you can tell when you're doing it. Yeah. And you can tell when you're not doing it. By the.
00;28;50;01 - 00;29;09;12
Dana Goodall
Way, when you do private classes. And this is why I always recommend, like when you're starting to exercise, especially in a gym or studio, that you may want to do a few privates. The biggest issue is some people don't understand like truly how much range they have, and we do do a little hands on adjustment to make sure you're truly reaching your full potential.
00;29;09;12 - 00;29;48;21
Cary Hall
You know, it's funny because before I started doing this, I've had back issues most of my life from, you know, military, a lot of other things. But I was in a chiropractor probably every other month or sometimes every month. I with probably I haven't been to a chiropractor. It's got to be at least eight or nine years, if not more. Yeah, okay. And then once or twice that I've had to go, it's because I did something that caused it. You know, me to have these issues. And I attribute that to the fact that I've been able to strengthen my core and do these exercises that have improved the strength of my back and spine where I don't have those issues anymore.
00;29;48;21 - 00;29;56;02
Dana Goodall
Now, your flexibility has also come a long way to flexibility is a huge thing that you have to work on too. Well, that.
00;29;56;02 - 00;30;01;20
Cary Hall
And so talk about that. We're running up here break real quick. We are about 30 seconds. We talk about that real quick. The flexibility.
00;30;01;20 - 00;30;15;01
Dana Goodall
So range of motions is extremely important because it really takes you into a well, it gives pliability to the joint. So less injuries just feels better that you actually feel like you can truly move.
00;30;15;11 - 00;30;37;27
Cary Hall
And that's really what we're trying to do. You know, when you when you do these programs, it improves range of motion, allows you to move and you just feel a lot better in general if you want to learn more. The website for Dana is Phone number 816 456 3566 if you want to call her. We'll be right back after the break. Stay tuned.
00;30;37;27 - 00;31;40;22
Cary Hall
And welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate Show Show broadcasting coast to coast across the fruited plane. My producer, Mr. Darren White, I'm your host, Cary Hall. In studio with me, Dana Goodell from Whole Body Pilates. We are talking about why you need to get off the couch, put down that Miller Light. Maybe you're not even drinking a miller Lite and start getting some exercise. Winter is over. Spring is here. We're moving into summer and it's a great time to get active and stay active. That's why we've got Dana in studio with us. By the way, if you are one of those folks that I mentioned in the opening comments that has a human or group health insurance plan, you're going to lose that coverage. Now's the time to start looking for a replacement and also take advantage of some of the offers the carriers are making, like carrying over your deductible, guaranteeing your rate. Those are all things that are available from different carriers. Call Maria Ahlers or Jim Lodge at 877 385 2248 RPS Benefits by Design. They will help you anywhere in the country.
00;31;40;22 - 00;32;01;20
Cary Hall
They can help you. All right. So when we're talking about pilates and we're talking about this whole thing, balance is an issue and we do these exercises, which lawyers a lot better at than I am on the balance side, I always think she's showing off because she can do so much better than me. But why is balance important and why does it become more important as you age?
00;32;02;02 - 00;32;05;14
Dana Goodall
So balance is a use it or lose it skill and.
00;32;05;14 - 00;32;07;17
Cary Hall
If that's interesting, use it or lose.
00;32;07;17 - 00;32;33;29
Dana Goodall
It skill you have to practice. Yeah, well, because we've been so forward and we use our shoes and we don't think about the fact that like we need our reflexes and that response to be there. It's extremely important as we age because again, we get the following option is, you know, it can be awful and when you fall, you just don't heal like he used to. So it's something you really have to focus on.
00;32;34;07 - 00;33;22;23
Cary Hall
Well, it's a huge problem for, again, folks that are, you know, seasoned citizens. That's the single biggest thing that people we had we had a friend of ours. He's 80 some years old. He you know, he comes to our house for dinner on occasion and he lives in an old house over in the Brookside area where we used to live for We moved out to the suburbs and he fell down. He slipped and fell down the flight of stairs. Oh, my God. He broke a facial bone. He did damage to his eyes. I mean, it was horrific. Oh, and the good news was that he he he was able to, you know, recover enough to get a phone and call for help. But I'm like, Dave, this is really bad. I mean, you know, this is you know, this is something you need to stop doing that or do something else. Okay. But this falling thing is a big deal.
00;33;22;23 - 00;33;32;08
Dana Goodall
Yeah. So it's something we focus on in pilates I have exercises for it. Yes. I send you home with homework, like stand on one foot and brush your teeth.
00;33;32;09 - 00;33;38;12
Cary Hall
Yeah, Or do I stared. Well, I couldn't handle. What was it? Darren, stand on one foot. Put a sock on and put your shoe on. Yeah. Okay.
00;33;38;12 - 00;33;38;25
Dana Goodall
There you go.
00;33;39;09 - 00;33;44;14
Cary Hall
I think you can try it. You can do it. I don't know if I could do that. I'm going to try that. Just see if I could do it.
00;33;44;14 - 00;34;00;21
Dana Goodall
Yeah, but those are skills that, like I said, if we don't practice them, they kind of go away in our response time goes down. The strength of your foot is important. All kinds of things that play into that. So how fast we recover. So it's an it is an important aspect.
00;34;01;06 - 00;34;34;27
Cary Hall
So when we're talking about pilates how much time do you think if somebody wants to start this, you know, they're listening to the single, you know what, that that might be a really good thing for me. Instead of trying to go to the gym and pump iron or go out and run a mile two miles every day or whatever the case may be, what are we looking at from a you know, I want to start pilates. What are we talking about time wise for them to go attend to class and just get started? Because as we said in the beginning, getting started is probably those to get getting motivated to get started. Yes. Is the most important thing. So we talk about from a time commitment how many times a week time commitment.
00;34;34;27 - 00;34;45;13
Dana Goodall
It really I mean, it depends on your schedule a little bit, but at the same time, 2 to 3 times is what's recommended movement. Is that important? And if you can't find that time, I really I.
00;34;46;00 - 00;35;27;07
Cary Hall
You know that I hear that a lot from people, especially, you know, people that are, you know, middle aged working executives in offices, etc.. One of the things you're going to learn as you get older is used to find when I would go to these parties, big family gatherings that all the older people, first thing they'd say is, how's your health? I don't like why the hell? Let me ask you that. Why do they keep. Well, because guess what? Now that I'm that guy. Okay, that's. Yeah, there's a lot of people when you get past 60, 65, that's one of the first questions people want to talk about. How is your health? Yeah. Okay. So if you don't my point in saying that and coming back to that is it's that is as important, if not more important than almost anything else you're doing.
00;35;27;07 - 00;35;27;24
Dana Goodall
You got it.
00;35;27;24 - 00;35;40;04
Cary Hall
Because if you lose that I mean you know you can be Steve Jobs. It doesn't matter. Okay? You lose your health, you're gone. Okay. You know, if you want to enjoy a quality of life, you've got to put some effort into it.
00;35;40;04 - 00;35;40;23
Dana Goodall
00;35;40;29 - 00;35;46;08
Cary Hall
And so this business about I'm too busy, too busy to take 45 minutes to an hour out.
00;35;46;08 - 00;35;46;25
Dana Goodall
Of your day.
00;35;46;26 - 00;36;48;23
Cary Hall
Three, three times a week, which is what I do. It's three times a week. Okay. Mine's a little longer than hour. But the point is, you know, if you do that and you do it consistently, you're quality of life goes up. Yeah. And if you are, you know, again, you know, older and you want to enjoy your grandchildren, you want to be able to be around them and do things. Think you chase around two year old for a couple hours. Let me tell you how that's like, okay, or a set of twins that's even more fun. Okay. I mean, it's work, man, you know? But if you want to be able to interact with them, it was it wasn't funny, but I was up the last time I was up in Washington with my children, my daughter and her husband and the grandchildren. Her husband said to me, said, you know, I really like the way you interact with the kids, because I do. I play with them, I do stuff with them. I take them out. I mean, but I can do it, right. That's the point. Yes. Okay. I'm able to function enough that I can do that. Okay. And they can be a handful. But when you put in the effort to do this, regardless of your age, the benefits are pretty significant.
00;36;48;23 - 00;36;50;05
Dana Goodall
Yes, very much so.
00;36;50;09 - 00;36;53;26
Cary Hall
And and unfortunately, I think in this country, we have a tendency to overlook that.
00;36;54;01 - 00;36;58;16
Dana Goodall
We do it well. And I get after people Well.
00;36;58;23 - 00;37;17;07
Cary Hall
You know, the other problem is, and this is the problem with youth, is they want to sit in front of their computer and they want to play video games or go on TikTok or whatever the hell it is they're doing back in the day. You know, when you know, when when I was a, you know, a kid, you got on your bicycle, I'd be gone for a whole day some time.
00;37;17;07 - 00;37;17;19
Dana Goodall
00;37;18;03 - 00;37;26;26
Cary Hall
Terrified my mother. But I had a great time. Or you went out and played, you know, pickup basketball or baseball or something. That's not so much now.
00;37;26;26 - 00;37;31;11
Dana Goodall
Now we, like I said, to create a healthy lifestyle for your family is huge.
00;37;31;15 - 00;37;59;25
Cary Hall
Yeah. I mean, you know, you've got a son who's in college now, but he still likes to get on there and do the video game. Oh, yeah. And I my grandson is like all about it now. And so, yeah, exercise is important, people. That's why we do this every year. That's why we're urging you to, you know, think about this. Tell your friends about tell your husband about tell, you know, whatever. Okay? Go up on those podcast platforms, listen to this it and check out a pilates class. You're not here. Find out a gym. They got to have a certified place instructor.
00;37;59;25 - 00;38;01;29
Dana Goodall
You got it? Yeah, most of them do. Yeah.
00;38;02;00 - 00;38;16;27
Cary Hall
And you could ask that question, and then you'll know it's not some fly by night outfit. Yeah, Okay. And get started. Go to a class and see what you think of it. Have a private evaluation. Dana does private evaluations? Yeah. If you want to see what you know, what she does and how she can do what she can do for you, you can do that.
00;38;16;27 - 00;38;35;05
Cary Hall
You can reach out to her at 816 456 3566, or the website, Well, to do a follow up show about Midsummer and see how everybody's doing now, they're at the beach now. How's it going? Thank you for coming in today. It was.
00;38;35;05 - 00;38;35;25
Dana Goodall
Great. Yeah.
00;38;36;05 - 00;38;52;20
Cary Hall
And now I leave you this thought from Albert Einstein, the one who follows the crowd, but usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been. Remember, for instance, a funny thing about life. You refuse to accept anything but the very best. You most often get it.
00;38;52;27 - 00;39;13;20
Cary Hall
Thank you for listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. Goodbye American.