
A different way to get health insurance for your small business- Bowtie Medical Health Guardianship

David Thiessen • January 4, 2025


Cary Hall, America’s Healthcare Advocate

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S21 E04 - Medicare 2025: How to choose, who to trust and why-when you're new to Medicare
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S20 E37- A different way to get health insurance for your small business- Bowtie Medical Health Guardianship

Episode 2037 notes

On the show today, we will discuss a partnership between Bowtie Medical and Detego Health. So, if you're a broker, or if you're an employer of any size business, I don't care if you've got 10 employees, 100 employees or 200 employees, you're going to want to listen to this because this is a different way, to get health insurance and Dr Firouz Daneshgari is back on my show to lay it all out for us.

Excerpt, Dr Daneshgari: "And the scientific evidence shows more harms, more hazards and that's why the medical errors have become the number three, cause of death in this country. And every time I say that, I get caught myself again being surprised that after cardiovascular disease, after cancer, medical errors are number three, cause of death!"

The Doctor is In! He will show us a much better way. Better, affordable and healthier!

Excerpt: "The result of this realigned situation, this health care is that doctors, both primary care and the specialist, they do what they went to school to do. They went there to solve people's health problems. And doctors, I tell you, the listeners to this show, a significant number of them will be doctors because doctors are looking for solutions how to get out of this Sick Care System we have now."

Learn more about Dr Firouz Daneshgari and Bowtie Medical: https://bowtiemedical.com

Brokers and Business Owners. email sales@bowtiemedical.com or call 877-3-Bowtie (877-326-9843)

As always if you need help or have something to share? Contact me, Cary Hall, America's Healthcare Advocate: https://www.americashealthcareadvocate.com/contact-us

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Episode 2037 Transcript:

00;00;01;14 - 00;00;05;13

Cary Hall

And now America's Healthcare Advocate, Cary Hall.

00;00;05;16 - 00;00;26;16

Cary Hall

Hello, America. Welcome to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. Here on the HIA Radio Network, you can learn more about us for going to the website AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com. A lot of information up there. Also, you could send me an email if you've got questions, comments or something you think you'd like to have me talk about on the air, feel free to do so.

00;00;26;19 - 00;00;48;21

Cary Hall

Also my my producers today, Darren Wilhite behind the microphones and Dave Thiessen, the man behind the cameras that records all of these, puts them on our 15 podcast platforms and our YouTube platform. So we're glad to have them on board today. I want to say, a little shout out to KMET 1490 Am and 98.1 FM in Riverside, and San Bernardino, California.

00;00;48;21 - 00;01;06;01

Cary Hall

The two largest counties in California. And we are happy to be on the radio there. So we want to thank them for that opportunity. And we're very happy to be on the air there. Join me in studio. This is our fourth show in this series. Doctor Firouz Daneshgari and I want to thank him for being here today.

00;01;06;03 - 00;01;24;08

Cary Hall

And, and, you know, in the three shows that we have done, we talked a lot about what is wrong with this system. Well, what we're going to talk about today with Doctor Daneshgari is we're going to talk about, how that gets fixed. And we're actually going to talk about a program and a platform that is being brought to market now.

00;01;24;11 - 00;01;43;26

Cary Hall

It's a it is it is a partnership between, Bowtie Medical, and Detego Health. And I'll talk about that in a second, but we're going to talk about what's being offered here. If you're a broker, if you're an employer, okay. Of any size, I don't care if you've got ten employees or 100 employees or 200 employees.

00;01;43;26 - 00;01;52;05

Cary Hall

Whatever the case may be, you're going to want to listen to this because this is a different way, to get health insurance. All right. So a little bit about doctor.

00;01;52;08 - 00;02;14;20

Cary Hall

Doctor's is the assistant professor of surgery at the University of Colorado, founding director in the fellowship program and female pelvic medicine, reconstructive surgery at Cleveland Clinic and the Glickman Urological Institute, professor and chairman of Upstate Medical University, Professor and chairman at Case Western University Urological Institute, University hospitals in Cleveland at the Cleveland Clinic.

00;02;14;24 - 00;02;33;25

Cary Hall

He wrote a book, Health Guardianship, The Remedy to the Sick Care System. It was a bestseller on Amazon. And we're going to talk about. Out of that book came his passion for starting Bowtie Medical. Bowtie Medical now is in a partnership with Detego Health. I'm one of the three founding partners for Detego Health.

00;02;34;01 - 00;02;56;09

Cary Hall

We are TPA. A national TPA, and we're TPA that doesn’t want to be a TPA. What do I mean by that? TPA pay claims work with medical networks across the country. And, and have customer service centers that help, the folks that are in those particular self-funded plans around the country administered by the third party administrator.

00;02;56;11 - 00;03;12;15

Cary Hall

We are we do all of those things. But here's what we do, that the most of the other TPAs, at least, that I know of, don't do. We create and market our own health plans, our own health benefits plan, our own health insurance plans? We create and market those plans. And that's what we're going to talk about today.

00;03;12;20 - 00;03;36;11

Cary Hall

We're going to talk about a specific one. And that is the Bowtie Health Guardianship plans that were developed between Bowtie Medical and Detego Health. So a little bit of history about Bowtie Medical doctor. Tell folks a little bit about, you know, you wrote a book. It was a bestseller. And out of that, after all those years of being a practitioner, a skilled surgeon, doing all you realize, this has got to change, right?

00;03;36;11 - 00;03;37;02

Cary Hall

And here we go.

00;03;37;07 - 00;04;05;04

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So my, as I think maybe briefly discuss it again, I appreciate being on this show was I, at the peak of, going to the academic medicine serving, you know, as the chairman on the boards. And I realized that we're really I have become a cog in the wheel of a Sick Care System, because the, we are working basically financial institutions called hospitals that they have adopted more is better.

00;04;05;04 - 00;04;30;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the scientific evidence shows that you more is better in the health care creates more harms more hazards. And, that's why the medical errors have become number three, cause of death in this country. And every time I say that, I get caught myself again being surprised that after cardiovascular disease, after cancer, medical errors are number three, cause of death.

00;04;30;21 - 00;04;55;02

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So it's really I had to, you know, come to Jesus Jesus moment with myself that what do I want to do. And Bowtie Medical was really founded to, to develop program aims and the products that would reverse this Sick Care Concept, what I called the deconstruction of the sick care and reconstruction of a true health care.

00;04;55;05 - 00;05;25;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the element of that was very clear. First, you have to have unlimited access to primary care. And in order for us to do that, we said the virtual primary care is the easiest, is the fastest, is the most efficient way of providing access regardless of where you are. You don't have to leave your home, your work, you know, if you're far away from the doctor or the virtual primary care. Then the next level became how the primary care could basically become really your guardian of health.

00;05;26;01 - 00;05;49;05

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Meaning that if you need a knee surgery, if you need to go cardiologist, how so for how we can help that. So we have built this speciality clinics around the primary care, the Guardianship. So very much like a good old family doctor, that I'm there in the neighborhood, we are in the neighborhood and my job is to take care of you and your family and bring all the resources to you.

00;05;49;05 - 00;06;10;18

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And thank goodness, now, with the 21st century, we have a ton of tools. We know technology and so forth. So that is really the concept of the product we called, Bowtie Health Guardianship. The exciting part for this is if we are doing this, how can we offer this to the employers? Because employers are providing care, versus sponsoring for two thirds of Americans.

00;06;10;23 - 00;06;28;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And that is how the partnership with Detego Health came in, as you said, vision wise, we are very much aligned. And our, aim is to bring this the most efficient model of delivering the health care to the employers. So that is in a, in a nutshell. Then we can go through the details.

00;06;28;16 - 00;06;50;09

Cary Hall

Here's the thing. Okay? And you know this. If you're a small business owner, you know this. I've given examples of how large employers have solved this problem. I've used the example in previous shows, a Kwik Trip who's totally self-insured. They don't even have a reinsurance contract for catastrophic. They cover it all. They have their own clinics. They have they have their own primary care clinics all over the country for their people.

00;06;50;09 - 00;07;09;22

Cary Hall

And they pay their their employees pay zero to go to primary care for themselves and for their family. What we're talking about is a version very similar to that. If you think it can't be done, it can be, and that's that's where this vision between Bowtie and Detego, the Guardianship Health Plans comes in play and can make a big difference.

00;07;09;22 - 00;07;30;14

Cary Hall

And it can literally drive the cost of your health insurance down significantly, significantly over what you're paying now and offer better benefits to your employer. So let's just start with the primary care piece, okay? So when I look at, you know, the material that we have here, in addition to each employee in their family are assigned a personal health concierge.

00;07;30;14 - 00;07;31;26

Cary Hall

Explain that doctor. What does that.

00;07;31;26 - 00;07;54;13

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Mean? So when, an employer and their employees are signed up to this program, they go through a enrollment process. So let's say you're one of these employees. So we set up time, you meet with, you're assigned a Guardianship Team that has a Primary Care and a Guardian. And they go through your health risk assessments.

00;07;54;15 - 00;08;15;04

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

What is your body mass index? What are your chronic conditions? What are your lifestyle tendencies? Do you sleep well? Do you not, and so forth. Out of that, we create a whole portfolio of the health risk for you. And out of that, we create customized care journeys. Because the care journeys for you is going to be different from mine.

00;08;15;06 - 00;08;43;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And then the job of the Guardianship Team becomes to implement those care journeys in partnership with you. So if I do have overweight issue, then a part of that becomes, setting you up with a health coach. Health coach is going to go through with your eating habits, your weight habits, your exercise and so forth, and use the most advanced scientific tools to help you to, regain control over the health.

00;08;43;09 - 00;08;58;10

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So the whole concept of this partnership between Bowtie and Detego is to increase the choices and increase the, the the choices and the freedom and decision making to the hands of the individual so that the primary key.

00;08;58;13 - 00;09;19;13

Cary Hall

And when we come back from the break, we're going to go into more of this explain this. But I urge you to take time to listen to this. And if you want to learn more about it, go to sales@bowtiemedical.com. The phone number is 877 326 9843. If you want just to learn about this, you can go to the website.

00;09;19;13 - 00;09;33;26

Cary Hall

There's a lot of information up there. What I'm looking at here is actually comes off of the website. But if you want to talk to someone about this, could it possibly work for my company? How do we do it? Give us a call or go to the website and, send us an email. We'll be happy to get back in touch with you.

00;09;33;26 - 00;09;44;26

Cary Hall

I'll be right back after the break. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate Broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across the USA. Stay tuned. Don't go anywhere.

00;09;44;28 - 00;10;15;00

Steve Kuker

The golden rule. Treat others as you want to be treated. I'm Steve Kuker and this is one of the founding principles of my firm, Senior Care Consulting. Since 2002, our value statement has included. Honor our mother and father. Respect our elders. Care for those in need, and treat your family as our own. We've been honored to help hundreds of families make one of the most difficult decisions they could ever make.

00;10;15;04 - 00;10;46;07

Steve Kuker

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00;10;46;10 - 00;11;10;26

Cary Hall

To. Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. As you know, as I mentioned in the opening, this is the fourth show that we have done with Doctor Firouz Daneshgari. He's here. He comes in here from Cleveland. And we greatly appreciate this man is extremely busy. He's communicating with some folks in the new administration.

00;11;10;26 - 00;11;27;14

Cary Hall

He's got a lot on his plate, but he takes time to do this because we think the message is important. I'm urging you, if you're a broker, take the time to go. Take a look at this and see what it could mean for your clients. sales@bowtiemedical.com or the phone number

00;11;27;16 - 00;11;30;20

Cary Hall

877 3 bowtie.

00;11;30;27 - 00;11;45;26

Cary Hall

All right. So I'm going to use an example this primary care thing and why it having a concierge would be so much easier. So I injured my leg doing plates. And I was on crutches here for a while, and I had to go see an orthopedic surgeon. I went in, got an initial evaluation.

00;11;45;26 - 00;12;05;22

Cary Hall

They gave me a shot, said it's going to be fine. It's not fine. I'm having continual problems with it. I need to get in to see an ortho. It's going to take me two months, two months to get an appointment to find out what is going on there. So if two more months, I get to hobble around like this because, like, they can't figure out they're going to have to do more than an X-ray, a sonogram, probably an MRI.

00;12;05;24 - 00;12;27;09

Cary Hall

If I had this program in play. I'm 75, so I'm on Medicare. But if I had this program in play, I wouldn't be dealing with that. And I think that's half of the attraction of this doctor. This system is not easy to navigate. You have a parent, you have a child, you know, a spouse that has major medical issues like I have had with Lori.

00;12;27;12 - 00;12;38;21

Cary Hall

It's very hard to be able to do. And I'm in this business. I understand it very, very well. But for the average person out their, the average consumer that is not involved in this business, it's totally opaque and it's very difficult to handle.

00;12;38;24 - 00;13;01;17

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Right. So these are what, in your case of the knee, what are you referring to? And also other cases, what these are really, again, a complicated means of a Sick Care System. And I don't want to spend a lot of time discussing that, but the Sick Care is a fee for service. So therefore the delivery of the care is fragmented.

00;13;01;24 - 00;13;26;21

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And if you have five questions, their solution is to make five appointments for you. The burden of that is on you. So in this process of the construction of Sick Care and reconstruction of the Health Care, what we have done and we are doing to this Health Guardianship Program is to bring back the coordination and integration for the ease of use and coordination for the consumer.

00;13;26;21 - 00;13;56;14

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So in a orthopedic, we call it the musculoskeletal issue. We have a musculoskeletal virtual vascular skeletal clinic. So if you're Guardianship you share this with your Guardian team that my knee is hurting and so forth. So they basically bring you in. We have a group of interdisciplinary team that we have a athletic trainer. We have an orthopedic, surgeon who's available to us virtually.

00;13;56;17 - 00;14;22;10

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

But most importantly, your Guardianship Team, your primary care team remains involved and engaged to coordinate this, coordination of the passage of information, whether you need an imaging or not, to send you to an imaging that we have now, contractual agreements. We can make the imaging less than $500, regardless of what kind of imaging you want, you know, MRI, CT scan and so forth.

00;14;22;13 - 00;14;34;16

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

At the end, the focus of the Guardianship Team and this is what you call the concierge, is to make sure you get the care you need is the most efficient way at the lowest cost.

00;14;34;19 - 00;14;53;22

Cary Hall

So you see the two pieces coming together here, a higher level of care at a reduced cost. We're not talking about taking something away from people here. We're talking about adding to it. We're talking about a personal advocate. How many of you have insurance? You know, whatever the case may be, when you have an issue like this, have somebody that is your go to person.

00;14;53;22 - 00;15;11;09

Cary Hall

I've got a primary care doctor. She's wonderful. But once she refers me, I'm done. Okay. Then it's up to me to navigate the system and and then to decide whether I'm going to do whatever they want me to do or whether what they want me to do makes sense. The idea of having an advocate, somebody that. So now you need an othopedic surgeon.

00;15;11;11 - 00;15;33;02

Cary Hall

You need everything. You need a surgical procedure done. They've got the orthopedic surgeon on staff at Bowtie. That's why we partner at Detego with them to bring these plans in play, so that it would give people another path toward health care that would make a difference for them. It's, you know, think about how your employees would feel if they knew, hey, I've got a doctor assigned to me.

00;15;33;02 - 00;15;43;21

Cary Hall

I can anytime I need them, I can get Ahold of them. They're there to help me. They'll take as much time as I need and I can go forward from there. So it's a very different concept, but it's something that can work.

00;15;43;21 - 00;16;03;29

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Doctor, you know, Cary, I used to make the example of, you know, all of us now carry a mobile phone in our pocket whether it's an iPhone or a Samsung. But do you remember a time that we all had the digital camera in our, you know, in our pocket and a cell phone on this pocket and a little GPS on the counter of our phone and so forth.

00;16;03;29 - 00;16;33;16

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

It so the what I'm saying is this fragmentation of the services that the consumer needs under the Guardianship model, we have kind of bring them together. It coordinated them, integrate them. Because in this process the integration has significant outcome values. When you go to that orthopedic surgeon and you know, whatever they do, whether they're doing doing injection or they do a, you know, surgery and come back, there is a process of recovery after that.

00;16;33;16 - 00;17;00;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Right? The recovery, the orthopedic surgeons job is to do more surgery and procedures because that's how they make more money. They don't make money out of, afterward, you know, helping you to recover and go back to your normal function and so forth. And that is why, again, the Guardianship comes back with the cooperation that we have with, other companies such as Smith Medical in Colorado.

00;17;00;13 - 00;17;32;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We are proposing that, Guardianship will do the pre and post op care again for bringing the coordination. So I want to summarize that the current access to a specialty care in this Sick Care System is fragmented, is dysfunctional and hugely burdensome for the consumer. Under this model, we have created a coordination and coordination of the information, integration of the services and integration of the specialty the services coming to you for the ease of the care.

00;17;32;19 - 00;17;33;22

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Improving the outcome.

00;17;33;28 - 00;17;57;02

Cary Hall

there is the key phrase, the ease of care and improved outcomes. So instead of you know, you're wasting time trying to get in to see a specialist, maybe you're not happy with that, you don't, what are the qualifications, etc., etc.. This takes away all of that, okay? And it works. It's like it's like when I gave you the quick trip model.

00;17;57;02 - 00;18;26;17

Cary Hall

This is similar in terms of how it works, except it it's not a captive model for one company. This is this is open to anybody in the marketplace that is an employer that has five employees, ten employees, 100 employees, whatever the case may be like I talked about a similar to this concept have been self-insured plans, like people that have been on the Pareto Contrarian re, the Berkeley Captives, rather, etc. and they've worked very well.

00;18;26;17 - 00;18;45;29

Cary Hall

That's why they've got those, those, those plans have exploded. Okay. But they're only for large employers. You've got to have 100 lives to get on those plans. The small business owner has been left out in the cold. And what has happened here, between Detego and Bowtie, is we've come together and created a model that will do those things, but actually do it better.

00;18;46;01 - 00;19;04;01

Cary Hall

It'll actually be. Those plans have reduced cost significantly. I know, because I worked with them for years now. My clients had an average increase of 2 or 3% in many years. They didn't have an increase, but they did this very similar kind of work that we have brought together for the small employer, and that's why we're doing this show today.

00;19;04;01 - 00;19;29;07

Cary Hall

And if you're a broker out there or an employer and you want to learn about this, go to the website BowtieMedical.com or call 877 3 Bowtie. Stay tuned. We'll be right back with more. The doctors in the house today.

00;19;29;10 - 00;19;47;19

Cary Hall

Welcome back to America's Healthcare Advocate. Listening here on the HIA Radio Network. You want to learn more about us, go to the website AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com. All these shows are on the podcast platforms are 15 of them Spotify, SoundCloud, iHeart, you name it, we're on it. Okay, so you can certainly find them up there.

00;19;47;19 - 00;20;18;17

Cary Hall

Same thing with YouTube. Go up to YouTube channel AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com 544,000. No 444,000 views. It's pretty popular channel these days, thanks to Mr. Dave Thiessen and all of his work and obviously, Darren Wilhite, our producer on the Audacy side. So I just want to make sure you understand what we're doing here. We're if you're a broker, I'm urging you to take a few minutes to go look at that website and reach out and connect with us so we can explain to you how this works, because it is very nobody's done this.

00;20;18;22 - 00;20;38;17

Cary Hall

This is very, very different. What we're offering, doctor, is an extremely, he's an expert and obviously he wouldn't be sitting here if he wasn't. But you look at his credentials and what he's done to bring his vision to this, okay? And to walk away from practice and create what he created. Bowtie Medical has been in business for ten years.

00;20;38;17 - 00;20;59;03

Cary Hall

They've got 70,000 members. This is not a brand new thing. It's brand new for us at Detego. And we brought pieces to the party that they didn't have, and they brought a lot of pieces to party we didn't have and created this system. And it's a good system, especially for the small group employer. The website sales@bowtiemedical.com.

00;20;59;10 - 00;21;14;02

Cary Hall

The phone number 877 3 Bowtie. All right. So let's just talk about let's just go through the actual line by line. You know benefits that we're offering here. So 24/7 urgent care. Talk about.

00;21;14;02 - 00;21;38;16

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

That. So as I mentioned in the previous segment, when you become a member we go through this whole risk portfolio assessment. So now you're in you are a known entity within the system. You have a dedicated Guardianship Team that knows you. And then now we go through your health needs. Your health needs could be out of 3 to 4 kind of, sources.

00;21;38;19 - 00;22;01;12

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

One is that you get up in the morning, you have a, you know, or middle of night, you have x, y, z issues, whether it's a symptom, cold symptom or it's a manifestation of a chronic conditions you had, you need access to care in the current model. Your situation is you go to an urgent care. You go to ER. You spend your, you know, your entire night.

00;22;01;17 - 00;22;02;28

Cary Hall

Three, four hours at least.

00;22;02;28 - 00;22;24;00

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Then you, you know, you get the bill for about 4 or $5000. They do a ton of unnecessary care. So while we have at Bowtie, the same Guardianship Team, doctors and nurses, we take our 24/7 calls. So you with your cell phone, with your whatever mobile device you have, you reach out to us. Since we know you, we don't have to do anything repeatedly.

00;22;24;00 - 00;22;45;26

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

We don't have to do anything extra, but we take care of you. So that is a simple thing. The next one comes into, the primary care. The primary care. You have blood pressure or XYZ. Someone has to look after those conditions to make sure they're all, you know, there's a compliance with medication and so forth. The next one comes the issue of the pharmacy.

00;22;45;26 - 00;23;13;25

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And now we have a program in the pharmacy. In this program, as you know, there are a ton of choices in the pharmaceuticals right. So now the doctor and the team who knows you can advise you this medication regardless of its price, whether there is a generic and so forth is the best medication for you within this system we are increasingly using the pharmacogenetics, meaning we will test you to see what is your best response to the medications that you know.

00;23;13;27 - 00;23;42;01

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

You're using. The next level of that is the most important thing, frankly, to me, is that behind this all care needs also what are your health needs? That's why the concept of the wellness and health coaching comes in, right? Because we all are at risk for this chronic condition. Cardiovascular diabetes and so forth. So we are increasingly using the home monitoring devices, depending on the size of the family, whether you have children or not.

00;23;42;08 - 00;24;05;06

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So getting the biological information, the vital signs for you doesn't require you to leave your house to come. And, you know, give us your blood pressure. We can give that, you know, at home and again, give us the signals of how we can be ahead of your medical events, and so forth. And this entire, host of services.

00;24;05;06 - 00;24;28;10

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And then if you need access to specialty care, as we discussed in the previous sections, we coordinate the access to a specialty care. We consult with them, we get their second opinion. All these services are wrapped into a, subscription model, one fixed payment per month. So there's no limitation of how many times you can use us or reach us to us.

00;24;28;10 - 00;24;45;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

Actually, we want you to reach us as often as possible because we want to have this interaction. So there's a zero copay out of pocket, there's a zero coinsurance, no financial disincentive for you to use and reach out to the Guardianship Team.

00;24;45;17 - 00;25;10;20

Cary Hall

So zero copay as doctor said, zero copay for imaging, zero copay for mental health programs, zero copay, for a virtual primary care and zero copay for virtual, urgent care and zero copay for for specialty care clinics, for diabetes, weight loss, and heart disease. I mean, think about that. If you're why why do your employees you're the broker.

00;25;10;20 - 00;25;33;24

Cary Hall

Okay? Your client and your clients employees, why did they resist care? Why don't they go oftentimes because something as simple as the $35 copay, they don't have the money. Let's look what's going on in this country with inflation, but they don't have the money. If they had zero co-pays and access to care 24 seven for urgent care, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for primary care.

00;25;33;27 - 00;25;47;12

Cary Hall

Who's who, what primary care doctor do you know that stays open from eight in the morning to late at night? Typically, if you can't get in to see your primary care in the day, you leave a voicemail and they say, we'll get back to you. If you leave a message after 3:00, you will not hear from us till the next day.

00;25;47;14 - 00;26;07;03

Cary Hall

That doesn't happen here. You you do you see where I'm going with this? It's a very improved level of care. It's a different way of doing it. Okay? You're not driving to a doctor sitting in the waiting room, waiting 45 minutes, whatever it is, and then getting in to see the doctor. And then you get five minutes. Talk about the time because this is huge.

00;26;07;07 - 00;26;23;29

Cary Hall

We've talked about this in previous shows. The average time that a patient in the United States gets with their primary care is 7.5 minutes. So talk about the difference with the primary care that we're talking about here with the Bowtie Guardianship Detego plans.

00;26;24;02 - 00;26;48;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So I'm glad you asked that question because that was really the result of this whole remodeling deconstruction of Sick Care reconstruction of Health Care. And that is we realized that, in addition to the training and expertise of the physician, the next most important ingredient, ingredient in the physician's ability to solve the complex medical conditions is the time.

00;26;48;21 - 00;27;13;23

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

The time they have to have to spend time with you to understand the root causes of your symptoms. A to do their own investigation. What is it that is causing this? Because again, they're dealing with the human body is a complex, issue, right? It is the time that the physicians need to become problem solvers. The current model of the Sick Care has made the doctor as runners on the treadmill, as the assembly line.

00;27;13;23 - 00;27;40;12

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

You know, they have seven minutes, five minutes to see because they have to see the 40-50 patients. We have eliminated with the subscription model. We have eliminated the concept of the time as a constraint in the interaction between the patient or our member and the doctor. And as you've heard me saying this, our aim, my personal aim is our our members never become a patient if we do this correctly.

00;27;40;19 - 00;28;08;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And as you know, we've talked about the airplanes we have within the short 120 years, we have taken the flying, from a dream to the safest mode of transportation in this country because we have focus on risk mitigation. Our aim at Bowtie Medical is to transfer the entire interaction between the member and our Guardianship Team from a Sick Care after the event has happened to a risk mitigation.

00;28;08;28 - 00;28;13;28

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So you will continue to live a healthy, productive life regardless of your age.

00;28;14;05 - 00;28;34;08

Cary Hall

This is unique. It's very different. And it's going to take, you know, you're going to have to think a little bit about this and whether or not it's a fit for you, but if you don't, you won't know that if you don't explore it. And the the way this model is set up. So there there are multiple ideas out there around health care.

00;28;34;08 - 00;28;54;28

Cary Hall

I've mentioned the captive model on more than one occasion. There is nobody that has paired up with medical practice like, we have Detego with Bowtie Health. And and you've heard doctors credentials. Every time I do this show. He's more than qualified. He's certainly. I mean, so we're marrying these two things together, and I don't think anybody else is doing this.

00;28;54;28 - 00;28;56;16

Cary Hall

At least if they're. I have not seen it.

00;28;56;19 - 00;29;23;15

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

I mean, the point that we have and discussed, frankly, is this model allows the small employers as small as 1 or 2 to become self-insured. I mean, we don't have and probably have spoken in other shows about the concept of the self-insurance, but the self insurance to me is increasing the choice and control for the employers because they get visibility into what they're spending, their health care dollars and so forth.

00;29;23;23 - 00;29;27;25

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

This is in contrast to full insurance, where you get zero visibility, zero.

00;29;27;27 - 00;29;47;16

Cary Hall

Visibility, zero ability to understand. You never see your claims, you never understand, especially if you're if you're a large employer, you get that information. If you're a small employee, you don't you're it doesn't happen. You're on an ACA plan. The the prices are set. There's none of that works. So it's a completely different model to what we see in place now.

00;29;47;16 - 00;30;05;10

Cary Hall

But it can make a difference. If you're interested in it, please go to the website. sales @boetiwmedical.com. The phone number 877-3-Bowtie. If you just want to talk to somebody we're happy to help you. If you're a broker will be happy to bring you in, explained this product to you and give you training.

00;30;05;10 - 00;30;21;07

Cary Hall

And also you can move forward with it. Stay tuned. We'll be right back after the break. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate broadcasting here on the HIA Radio Network. Coast to coast across the USA.

00;30;21;10 - 00;30;47;21

Cary Hall

Welcome back. You're listening to America's Healthcare Advocate show, broadcasting coast to coast across the USA. Here on the HIA Radio Network, the website AmericasHealthcareAdvocate.com. 15 podcast platforms YouTube. Same name. America's Healthcare Advocate. If you want to find us there in studio with me, doctor Firouz Daneshgari, who has graciously come back into the studio again to talk about this concept that we get to take over and I'm one of the three founding partners of Detego.

00;30;47;21 - 00;31;07;06

Cary Hall

TPA have formed a partnership with Bowtie called the Guardianship Partnership. This is what we do. We've brought a plan to market. I want to quickly explain self-insured. What we're talking about here doesn't mean you as employers sit down to write checks. It's the same model that is being used for employers have 100, 200 Kwik Trip. Like I talked about.

00;31;07;06 - 00;31;31;01

Cary Hall

It's the same model where their dollars are being directed where they want them to go. They're giving better care with less cost to their employees. And that's how this works. So but you told me a story during the break, and I want you to talk about your doctors, and in particular, this one doctor who, you talk about your Tuesday call, what you do, and let's go through there.

00;31;31;03 - 00;32;08;21

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

So going back to kind of we are at the end of end section here is why I'm so optimistic, why I see this as the next biggest chapter of creation of value and wealth in this country is because and I'm a scientist. I'm a surgeon. Scientist is because of the evidence I'm seeing on a daily basis. When you realign the misalignments in the system, when you allow the doctors be the doctors, meaning the problem solvers, and you allow the members to control the choices they have, then the resources are showing up.

00;32;08;23 - 00;32;39;28

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

What I was sharing with you during the break is on a weekly call we have with our providers every week. There is a cases of how this having unlimited time to focusing on the health problem of our members are creating results that just brings tears to everyone's eyes. Our obesity medicine expert is doctor Lee, and as you know, people who have obesity, this whole complex of the metabolic syndrome is a very complex issue.

00;32;39;28 - 00;33;05;12

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the current sector absolutely has no solution short of bariatric surgery. That has its own, you know, problems or giving you ozempic, which, again, has its own, problems. Yeah. No one spends their time just figuring out how is it that we can help you to regain your control over your health? And Doctor Ali, mentioned the other day, he said, you know, I, I have practice for over 20 years.

00;33;05;12 - 00;33;37;03

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

She has practice within the hospital system. And, you know, before she joined both in Chicago, in Illinois, she said the case is that now I have the ability to solve and so forth. These have been the dreams. These have been the dreams that I went to medical school with at one point. I have the knowledge and expertise, and now the Bowtie Guardianship allows me to have the time to spend as much time as I need to, digging deep into the sources of the or the causes of the chronic condition.

00;33;37;05 - 00;34;16;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the results are absolutely magnificent. I would recommend Cary for, future shows to bring these doctors and some of our members, because you can listen and hear their own personal the stories that how this realigned system has created, the results that we are proposing, we can create for the rest of the country. So when I say we have a moonshot, that with the current administration, if we are aligned the system, we can really make a biggest dent in the chronic condition, eliminate them as a result, save $2 trillion for our countries and as a result, add another 2 or 3 decades to our longevity.

00;34;16;27 - 00;34;20;07

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

These are not dreams. These are realities within reach.

00;34;20;09 - 00;34;39;12

Cary Hall

What's fascinating about this part of the story, and the reason why I wanted him to tell about what what is going on with the doctor who is her obesity specialist, is the key to that topic is that doctor has the time, you know, when doctors come out of medical school, I'm sure when you came out your whole focus was, I'm going to heal people.

00;34;39;12 - 00;34;59;07

Cary Hall

I'm going to help people. I'm going to make things better. You have better. You have worked in systems in the UK, Canada, Japan. You've been all over the world. Your expertise is remarkable. Doctors being able to do what they're supposed to do, which is take care. They don't do that in this country. Not because they don't want to.

00;34;59;10 - 00;35;18;08

Cary Hall

It's because they can't. It's because primary care practices have been swallowed up by the hospital systems, and they control it now. And what is it to them? It's a source of revenue. It's a source of revenue. So they control okay, well, if you're going to get an ortho surgery, you're going to get it only if you're an HCA hospital.

00;35;18;13 - 00;35;29;11

Cary Hall

You're only going to get that at our HCA. Maybe that doctor is not the best doctor. Or you would know that because that primary care doctor is tied to that system with that hospital and they have no choice. Am I right or wrong?

00;35;29;13 - 00;35;56;24

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

You're absolutely correct. It's not just the primary care, frankly. Again, the result of this realigned situation, this health care is the doctor is both primary care and the specialist. They do what they went to school to do. They went to there to solve people's health problems. And doctors. I'll tell you, the listeners to this show, a significant number of them will be doctors because doctors are looking for solutions how to get out of this Sick Care System.

00;35;56;24 - 00;36;06;19

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

They go back to where they meant to be, and that is to face their members and their patients directly and solve their problems effectively and efficiently.

00;36;06;19 - 00;36;25;20

Cary Hall

And the marrying, the coming together between Detego and Bowtie Medical is how we brought this plan, this health benefits plan to market. And it's available now. It's out there. We've got three sets of plans right now. You heard doctor go through some of this, with regard to, you know, we got 24 over seven urgent care.

00;36;25;25 - 00;36;55;10

Cary Hall

We've got primary care. Eight, two, eight, eight in the morning till eight in the evening. You've got zero copays, for primary care, zero copays for urgent care, zero copay for specialty clinics, zero copay for imaging, and zero copay for mental health. If you've put that in front of your employees, what do you think they'd say? Oh, and by the way, this year, instead of instead of cost shifting, raising your deductible and raising, your copays, we're actually going to eliminate a lot of the copays, and we're going to lower the cost all across the board.

00;36;55;16 - 00;37;15;09

Cary Hall

So whatever portion the employee is contributing versus what and whatever portion the employer contributes is going to be significantly less, and it's going to be a better outcome for everybody. And that's why having a plan like this is so important. And that's why I'm taking the time to do this show today. And that's why doctor flew in here from Cleveland to make this happen.

00;37;15;11 - 00;37;40;00

Cary Hall

If you want to learn about it, and I urge you to do it. Sales@BowtieMedical.com, especially if you're a broker serving small and medium sized businesses. This is a solution you don't have. It's not a ACA. It's not run by the government. It's a completely different model okay. That gives your employees and you opportunities. You don't have the website sales@bowtiemedical.com.

00;37;40;07 - 00;37;48;14

Cary Hall

The phone number is 877-3-Bowtie. Doctor. Closing comments. As we wrap it up here today.

00;37;48;14 - 00;38;18;17

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

I think we are. I want to thank you again. But I think with the election of the new president, new administration, the America is sitting at the historical opportunity to unleash and remove the barriers for a free market delivery of health care, to empower individuals to get control of the choices and the payment for that. And as a result of that, we will create the most efficient, best quality healthcare in this world, in this country.

00;38;18;17 - 00;38;26;23

Dr Firouz Daneshgari

And the rest of the world will follow us. This is a significant value and wealth. A generation opportunity for our country.

00;38;26;25 - 00;38;44;29

Cary Hall

I think you can tell that, doctor Daneshgari is definitely an optimist, not a pessimist. Thank you so much for joining us today. And now I leave you with this thought from Albert Einstein, the one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.

00;38;44;29 - 00;39;00;11

Cary Hall

Keep that in mind. That little quote when at the end of this show you're listening to this broadcast today. Thank you for listening. Goodbye, America.

00;39;00;13 - 00;39;02;19

Cary Hall

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